Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

Celebrating Our God



Psalm 63 This Psalm is the heart cry of David, a man who was facing difficult circumstances, yet kept his focus on knowing God's love and goodness, desiring relationship with Him, responding in worship, and trusting through difficulties. Knowing God's love and goodness invites us into: 1. Passionate relationship with Him (v1,5a) - The language of thirst that the Psalmist uses implies an insatiable desire for God as a part of understanding His goodness. - Jesus alluded to this "desire" in the beatitudes (Matthew 5:6). 2. A life of worship and praise (v.2-7) - We become like what we worship and are invited to: a. A life of worship (Romans 12:1) b. Gathered worship (Various OT Texts) 3. Trust in the midst of difficulties (v.7-9) - God is our help. a. God hides us in the "shadow of His wings". b. God is with us. Questions for Reflection: What do you think your "hunger thermometer" would reveal about where you are at in your relationship with God? What expressions of worship, in all of life, and when you'