Streetwise Hebrew

#355 I’m Not Built For This



An Argentinean architect listener of the podcast wrote to say that we had to do an episode about the word לבנות (livnot), which means to build. We don’t have it in us to tear down his hopes. So today we check out the root בנה. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Adrichal – Architect – אדריכל Hu bana – He built – הוא בנה Baniti – I built – בניתי [Like kaniti, ratsiti, bachiti – קניתי, רציתי, בכיתי] “Kan noladeti, kan noldu li yeladai” – I was born here, my children as well – כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי “Kan baniti et beiti bi-shtei yadai” – This is where I built my house with my own two hands – כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי Harkada – Israeli dancing gathering – הרקדה Ha-bonim ha-hofshiyim – Freemasonry – הבונים החופשיים Bikoret bona – Constructive criticism – ביקורת בונה Bné, bni, bnu – Build (Imperative) – בנה, בני, בנו Bné betcha – Build your (own) home – בנה ביתך Bniya – Construction – בנייה Atar bniya – Construction site – אתר בנייה Atarei bniya – Construction sites – אתרי