

In Luke 1:5-38 we see two different people visited by the angel Gabriel. Each was presented with something impossible which would be accomplished by God. One was a priest who had an extensive religious experience. The other was a teenage girl who had very little life experience, let alone religious experience. Ironically, it was the one with extensive religious experience who didn’t believe the angel’s words while the teenage girl believed the impossible. How about you and I? If we’re honest, we’ve all identified with Zechariah’s response when faced with the impossible. Do we really believe God can birth books through our lives that many times feel barren of words? Like Mary, may we find ourselves saying, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38) Your Writing Battle Plan Powerful things happen when you integrate your faith with your writing, publishing, and marketing. Learn how to create your writing battle plan so you can move forward in God's call on your life