Author Audience: Helping You Reach More People With Your Message | Writing | Self-publishing | Book Marketing | Business Grow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 149:36:54
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Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message because she believes every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Each episode of Author Audience will be packed with ACTIONABLE training, spiritual inspiration, and encouragement for you to write, publish, and market your books. However, this podcast is not just about how to write and self-publish a book. It is so much more. Episodes also include topics on book marketing, social media marketing, how to sell more books, product creation, coaching, speaking, etc. Shelley’s passion is to help you connect with your audience in the best way possible. If you are a Christian author, Christian entrepreneur, or someone who simply wants to reach more people with your message, you're in the right place! The question is, are you ready to let your light SHINE?


  • #444 Expert Edition - Harness the Power of Prewriting and Brainstorming

    19/03/2025 Duração: 37min

    Expert Edition - Harness the Power of Prewriting and Brainstorming Ever stare at a blank page, wondering where to start? You’re not alone! Before the words start flowing, the real magic happens in the pre-writing and brainstorming phase. In this episode, we’re diving into powerful strategies to spark creativity, organize your thoughts, and build a strong foundation for your writing—without the overwhelm. I’ll walk you through practical techniques like journaling, free-writing, mind mapping, and the “book sketch” method to help you move from scattered ideas to a clear, inspired vision. Whether you’re writing a book, blog, or devotional, these tools will bring clarity, confidence, and consistency to your writing process. : Email me with the subject "transformation tale" to receive your copy of the transformation tale with a pre-filled example. : DM me "transformation tale" to get your copy!

  • #443 Overcoming Impossible

    05/03/2025 Duração: 32min

    Overcoming Impossible “I slipped out during the night, taking only a few others with me. I had not told anyone about the plans God had put in my heart for Jerusalem. We took no pack animals with us except the donkey I was riding. After dark I went out through the Valley Gate, past the Jackal’s Well, and over to the Dung Gate to inspect the broken walls and burned gates. Then I went to the Fountain Gate and to the King’s Pool, but my donkey couldn’t get through the rubble.” ‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭14 -In chapter 2, we read of 43 different groups who took responsibility for a section of the wall. It starts and finishes at the Sheep gate. -2 1/2 miles of wall which translates to 13,200 feet  Expect Opposition “Sanballat was very angry when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall. He flew into a rage and mocked the Jews, saying in front of his friends and the Samarian army officers, “What does this bunch of poor, feeble Jews think they’re doing? Do they think they can build the wall in a single day by just offe

  • #442 Expert Edition - Writing a Faith-Based Memoir

    26/02/2025 Duração: 27min

    Expert Edition - Writing a Faith-Based Memoir Having just completed my writer's memoir, I have been amazed at how the process strengthened my faith and thankfulness to God for what He has done in my writing life. I would love to engage with writers who would like to write this kind of memoir, and/or those who have a similar story to share. As a small thank you for listening today I’d like to offer you a Free download of my devotional book, Spur of the Moment. Please use coupon code - QGKBB I am also offering a 20% discount on my 5-week Writing Devotionals of Distinction Course. Please email me at for more details.   About the Author Marcia Laycock currently has 16 books available on Amazon, including contemporary adult novels, fantasy novels for middle grade readers, devotional books, a book of Christmas stories, a children’s picture book, and most recently, Pond’rings, a writer’s memoir. Find her at and   

  • #441 Useful

    05/02/2025 Duração: 24min

    Useful Luke 1:5-17 Out of all the thousands of Levites serving in the Temple in the First Century, Zechariah is one of the only ones we know by name. God knew where to find Zechariah. God does not require that we have a big, flashy, well-known life to be significant to Him.  All that matters is what He sees, what He thinks, and how He is pleased with our lives. This is not a flashy, outgoing couple. They are dutifully behind the scenes in their lives. Zechariah and Elizabeth were just a tiny, almost insignificant part of a community of thousands of Levitical priests, grouped into 24 teams that took their turns on duty at the Temple of God. Zechariah was one of 24,000 priests who served 2 weeks each year by rotation. An an aged man, it was a supreme honor given once in a lifetime to serve at the altar of incense. The incense was offered daily before the morning sacrifice at about 9am, and after the evening sacrifice about 3pm in the afternoon. It was probably the evening offering that was assigned to Zechariah

  • #440 Start Fresh: 3 Ways to Make Time for Writing in a Busy Season

    15/01/2025 Duração: 16min

    Feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands and wondering when you’ll ever find time to write? In this episode, I share three practical strategies to help you carve out consistent writing time—no matter how busy your season feels. You’ll learn how to shift your mindset, block small chunks of time like non-negotiable appointments, and create accountability to stay on track. Your words matter, and God can multiply even the smallest moments when you take a step of faith. Whether you’re starting fresh or picking up where you left off, this episode will equip you to make real progress on your book this year. Plus, I’ll share how you can join our free Writing Week challenge for the accountability and encouragement you need to keep going. Listen in, take that first step, and trust God with the journey. Your book has a purpose—and it’s time to begin.

  • #438 Desert

    01/01/2025 Duração: 38min

    Desert At some point in our lives, we will find ourselves in the desert. A place of heat and barrenness. We’re talking about the Mojave or Sahara in July, not Palm Springs. The word desert is the Hebrew word “midbar” which comes from the root word “dabar” meaning “to speak.” The Lord speaks to us in those desert places. It’s where everything we rely upon for comfort is stripped from us. Things we thought we needed but realized we didn’t. Things that may have kept us from hearing God speak. Deserts aren’t comfortable. But deserts can be very educational. Not all of our deserts are the same. For some, it might look like caring for a loved one for a long time. For others, it might be dealing with an extended illness. Or perhaps financial challenge. Or a season of no writing productivity. Maybe a season of depression. A divorce, death of a spouse, a season of one rejection after another where you can’t seem to win for losing. Maybe moving to an area where you don’t know anyone. Deuteronomy 32:10-12 Where is God w

  • The Mosaic of Your Message: How to Go Beyond the Book to Impact Lives

    27/12/2024 Duração: 19min

    Join Me for a Free Live Training! Add it to your calendar here:

  • #437 20 Things I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Online Business

    17/12/2024 Duração: 15min

    This year marks 20 years since I began my online business journey, and what a journey it has been! It’s been filled with both challenges and blessings, but through it all, God has taught me so much. As I reflect on the last two decades, I want to share 20 lessons I’ve learned along the way. To celebrate this milestone, we're giving away our Kingdom Writers book for free from December 17–19, 2024. You can download your copy here.

  • #436 Stuck

    04/12/2024 Duração: 37min

    Stuck Psalm 40:1-3 Are you familiar with the word “mire”? A mire is an area of wet, spongy earth like a bog or marsh.  Have you ever been on a piece of land after the snow has melted or after a tremendous downpour of rain that leaves the land extremely muddy? Perhaps you’ve been on a trail where the mud cakes on the bottom of your shoes with every step and becomes heavy. Our lives can sometimes feel like this where we get stuck or each step forward becomes heavier and heavier.  What did David do when he was stuck in the miry clay? How did he climb out of his slimy pit of despair? He waited upon the Lord. Waiting is difficult for us because we’re impatient. So we try with all of our own effort to climb out of the mud. Like with David, God will hear our cries for help and will pull us out of that deep despair. We go from stuck to steady as He places us on firm, solid footing. This is God’s grace in our lives.  God is able to birth new words in our lives to share with the world. These words can be a “volume of p

  • #435 Shoring up Weaknesses

    06/11/2024 Duração: 34min

    Shoring up Weaknesses “Shoring” is the process of temporarily supporting a building, vessel, structure, or trench with shores (props) when in danger of collapse or during repairs or alterations. Shoring comes from shore, a timber or metal prop. Shoring may be vertical, angled, or horizontal.  5 Lessons we can take from 2 Chronicles 32:1-8 Consult with trusted advisors - friends, pastors, counselors, fellow Kingdom writers - for wisdom and understanding moving forward. King Hezekiah showed humility by asking for help. Cut off anything that might fuel or refresh our enemy and allow him to prolong his attack. Sin is an obvious thing to cut off. Perhaps we also need to consider cutting off toxic people in our lives. Cut off the flow of toxic news or other social media that the enemy might utilize to create anxiety. Healing of the broken places in our lives. Shoring up those weaknesses to prevent the enemy from constantly zeroing in on those vulnerable areas. Perhaps forming a small prayer team could be a fo

  • #434 Hearing from Headquarters

    16/10/2024 Duração: 28min

    Hearing from Headquarters Whether it’s in the military or a strategic undercover operation, hearing from headquarters is crucial in order to carry out important plans. How much more do we as Kingdom writers need to hear God’s plans from headquarters?  We must be willing to set aside time each day to soak in God’s Word. Why would we need this important time? In order to get to know the God of that Word. As we do so, we become intimately acquainted with the character and ways that God might be leading us. When we get to know someone so well, we can almost finish their sentences. This is the idea we’re looking at in getting to know God well. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” - John 10:27 NLT “Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.” - Proverbs 2:2-4 NLT We tune our ears to the Lord like we might finely tune in a radio station and eliminate sta

  • #433 Happy in Hiddenness

    04/09/2024 Duração: 30min

    Happy In Hiddenness 1 Samuel 16:1-13 v.4 – It was quite a shock to the Bethlehem elders that Samuel came to their town. They assumed something was wrong. v.6-7 – Even Samuel was enamored with Jesse’s oldest son Eliab. But God wasn’t impressed. He was looking at hidden traits, not outward superficial data. David wasn’t even an option. He was out in the fields tending sheep and goats – a low-level job. Example of my Ray’s Food Place job in high school. Stocking shelves in the back room at minimum wage ($3.85/hr) Many of you are tending sheep & goats in this season. You’re living the hidden life and quietly honing your rock-slinging skills, practicing the harp, stringing words together, wondering if they’re even going to see the light of day. Here are a few people who can relate: Joseph waiting 13 years from the time he was sold into slavery to getting his call to serve in the Palace of Pharaoh. Moses tending sheep for 40 years before encountering God in the burning bush, Jesus and his hidden years of servin

  • #432: Recovering What We Have Lost as Writers

    07/08/2024 Duração: 31min

    Recovering What We Have Lost as Writers 2 Kings 6:1-7 In this little story tucked away in the Old Testament, we see several nuggets we can apply to our lives and our writing. Like the young prophet in the story, we may find ourselves losing our “cutting edge” and feeling powerless.  This group of prophets were building a new meeting place and insisted that their leader, Elisha, accompany them down to the Jordan River where they would cut down trees for the new facility. They were busy doing good work until one of them lost his ax head which sank to the bottom of the Jordan. At times, we can also be busy doing good work until we lose our cutting edge. In our case, we can refer to the power of God as our cutting edge. It’s the ability to get the job done most efficiently rather than relying on our own strength. Imagine trying to cut down a tree with only a wooden ax handle. It would be like our flesh trying to cut into the spiritual realm which is something bigger and more powerful than what we possess without

  • #431: Do You Feel Rusty in Your Writing?

    03/07/2024 Duração: 22min

    Do You Feel Rusty in Your Writing? “We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.” - Theodore Roosevelt “There is a time for everything. We wait on God to renew our batteries, and then when they are up to full power, we turn them loose into the work of God.” - A.W. Tozer “Christians are like farm implements. Farm machinery seldom wears out. If you keep your machinery up, you can use it summer in and summer out until it becomes obsolete. The idle machine sitting in dampness will go to pieces in one season, but that same machine used for 10 years will only make it shine. One year of sitting around sulking will do more to rust your soul than 100 years of hard work, if God granted you that many years” - A.W. Tozer We can easily apply the above quotes to our own writing. There’s certainly a time to rest but we must be careful not to rust. Writing is a skill that must be practiced and refined over time. Staying consistent with a writing habit will help “keep our machinery up” s

  • #430: Boasting in the Lord as a Writer

    05/06/2024 Duração: 23min

    The Right Kind of Boasting In this episode of the Kingdom Writers Podcast, we look at the theme of boasting in the Lord rather than a boasting that originates from the flesh.  We look at Paul’s teachings from 2 Corinthians 10:13-18. It seems that there were some people trying to influence the church in Corinth and taking credit for the ministry taking place there. Paul will not be pulled into a competition with others but simply points to the work they did in planting the church there.  Paul’s desire was to see the ministry extended beyond the borders of what they did while living among the church in Corinth. He wanted nothing more than for this church to grow and mature to the point where they were multiplying beyond their local area. As writers, we have opportunities to see our borders extended through the words we write. Our books can go far and wide in their influence and reach people we wouldn’t be able to in person. Paul quotes Jeremiah 9:24 to emphasize the right kind of boasting. We get a little more

  • #429: Are You Doing the Work of Writing?

    15/05/2024 Duração: 26min

    Do The Work 2 Timothy 4:5 - “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” Paul gives young Timothy four things to do in this powerful little verse… Be sober-minded - In a world where others may be losing their minds, we are to remain clear in our thinking and focused on the things God has for us Endure suffering - Whether from other people or from our spiritual enemy, we are told to endure which is the ability to withstand pain or hardship Do the work - In Timothy’s case, Paul specifically instructs him to do the work of an evangelist. As Kingdom writers, we might be instructed to “do the work of a writer.” Fulfill Your Ministry - Whatever God has called us to do, we are to complete that task and fulfill what He’s called us to do. Fulfill the ministry of writing that book that needs to get into specific hands the Lord wants to encourage What does it mean to “do the work”? We’ll look at this topic as it pertains to the Kingdom writer. The

  • #428: 3 Ways to Learn and Grow as a Writer on a Budget

    06/05/2024 Duração: 12min

    Don't miss out! The Courageous Writer Bundle ends 5/7/24 at midnight eastern. Get yours here: 1. Listen to podcasts for free. Check out my private podcast, Hitz Blitz here: 2. Attend online conferences and summits. Sign up to one of the editions of the Kingdom Writers Conference here: 3. Sign up for bundles. We are hosting the Courageous Writer Bundle with over 40 experts. It ends 5/7/24 so make sure to get yours now here: Which option will you choose this week? 

  • #427 Writing as Ministry - How to Reach the Right Audience

    29/04/2024 Duração: 11min

    Get valuable insights on writing as a ministry and reaching the right audience for your message as Shelley discusses the importance of consistently creating and publishing content to serve your intended audience, understanding and identifying your target readers. Take a Step of Faith and Finally Finish Your Book You have a story to tell. But creating a book that makes an impact isn’t easy, especially without support and guidance. Our online community, Christian Book Academy, is where we help you write words that leave a legacy, self-publish books that fulfill your calling, and connect with a wider audience. Click here to learn more.  

  • #426 Mentoring Moment: First Love

    23/04/2024 Duração: 25min

    If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years about the writing life, it’s that a person needs to have a passion for writing. This passion is fueled by the God we desire to partner with in order to write lasting words of impact. After all, the Kingdom writer is one who is gifted and called by God. The prophet Jeremiah describes our calling with these words, “But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!” (Jeremiah 20:9 NLT) Can you relate to feeling this way? Are the words inside you like a fire in your bones until you’re able to get those words onto paper? But like many things in life, sometimes our passion and fire can grow dim. Somewhere along the way, we forget about the love we once had for the craft of writing. Instead, we become focused on the destination or the finished product and become impatient when things aren’t lining up the way we want. Listen in as we ta

  • #425 Marketing Minute: How to Find Your Audience of Readers

    15/04/2024 Duração: 12min

    If you’re interested in knowing how to find your audience of readers, we highly recommend you listen to this episode. Shelley talks about the significance of knowing where your audience hangs out online and how to engage with established groups.  Free: 27 Book Marketing Ideas  You have finally written and published your book. Yay! Now, it’s time to market and promote it to reach more people and inspire lives. Get instant access to our FREE PDF on 27 Book Marketing Ideas to help you with your book marketing strategy here.  Book Marketing Templates to Save You Time and Money You’ve got a book you’re proud of. Now you’re looking for a simpler way to get it into the hands of more readers. One way you can do that is through social media. It's free to use...however, it can also take up a lot of your time.  Good news!   You can get your social media posts for the next month done in just 90 minutes so that you can reach more readers with your book (without being pushy or salesy) in the Mini-Marketing Messages worksho

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