Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

My In-Laws Are Harming My Marriage - Dr. Joe Beam



Having in-law problems?Some in-laws are awesome. Loved. Respected. Helpful.Some are not. WAY not!Difficult in-laws can cause major trouble. They can be very critical, demeaning you if you say or do anything they don't like. Not just to you but to others about you including your spouse and your children. They can influence your spouse's other relatives against you. They may even try to convince your spouse to divorce you. In short, they can make your life miserable.If you have in-laws like that, what do you do? Grin and bear it? Complain bitterly to your spouse? Fight back? Move to a different country?It's time to stop living in misery because of problem relatives. In this live call-in program, Dr. Joe Beam gives practical advice about how to deal with terrible in-laws, explaining what TO DO and what NOT to do.Dr. Beam also takes live calls about dealing with in-laws as well as other relationship issues or advice you wish to ask about.This program begins at 12:30 p.m. Central Time on Monday, Jul