Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 404 - Positivity In Pain



What drives us to make a change?Pain.Pain is an incredibly powerful motivator.And by pain I mean also often FEAR.It’s an odd thing, but we humans are truly more driven by pain than by gain.We may want a specific outcome, a specific positive…But we are most likely to actually make a change toward that goal when there is pain not just something to be gained.The idea of a six pack, the idea of millions of dollars, the idea of running a PR…well…as weird as it sounds…they aren’t really powerful motivators as much as we think we want them.They only become powerful motivators if there is a great pain with NOT moving forward toward them. Or a great pain in where we are now.Pain is what drives us to make a change.Like think about during the holidays….when we feel…well…out of shape, disgusting, clothing feels uncomfortable and tight…we feel like blobs.We feel “in pain” so to speak.This is when we most often take action.However, in taking action often we lose focus on this pain and start to focus on the gain we want.Whi