Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 407 - A Lifestyle Isn't Forever



Often when we talk about creating a lifestyle with our diet, we act like we’re going to do one thing for the rest of our life.Which is interesting because we don’t just do exactly the same workouts forever.Heck, if you look at your current lifestyle it probably isn’t exactly the same as it was just even last season.I know personally my schedule and even activity level slightly shifts from Summer to Winter.So if our lifestyle is constantly adjusting and flowing, even due to family obligations and work, why would our diet ever stay exactly the same?The thing is it shouldn’t.Your diet should evolve over time as your needs and goals change. Your lifestyle should evolve as you get older.Menopause will change things.Injuries will change things.This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. We just have to be open to the changes.And it’s why creating a lifestyle doesn’t mean you’re doing one thing forever.And honestly, it’s why I love teaching clients about macros.No one macro ratio works for everyone. And even when you find