Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 406 - Stop Fighting The Process



So often we are our own worst enemies. Not intentionally but we are.We’ve all been guilty of this…fighting the process.We start a program but we keep trying to do things we’ve always done. We keep fighting against the new changes. We find reasons NOT to do them or to keep doing some of the “safe” things we’ve always done.Why?I’ve asked myself this multiple times.Why do I struggle to embrace certain changes more than others? Why, even when we’ve invested time and energy and money into something do we fight against actually doing it even though the other isn’t working?It’s definitely a weird quirk of us humans… repeating the same thing we’ve always done expecting a different result while KNOWING that is the definition of insanity.But if we want results, we’ve got to STOP fighting the process.I know letting go of control is hard, I know making a change is uncomfortable…But isn’t being stuck and frustrated while working hard worse?Isn’t it better to at least have HOPE and try the suck and pain of change?I think s