Streetwise Hebrew

#357 The Formation of the Universe



We pick up where we last left off with the root יצר. This time, we focus on the nifal, piel and pu’al verb formats. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Keitsad notsar kadur ha-arets? – How was planet earth formed? – כיצד נוצר כדור הארץ Notsar – Formed, created, made – נוצר Eich notsarim yeladim – How are babies created – איך נוצרים ילדים  Eich notsra ha-shemesh – How was the sun formed – איך נוצרה השמש Eich notsru harei-gaash – How were volcanoes formed – איך נוצרו הרי הגעש Lehivatser – To be formed – להיווצר “Alul lehivatser zihum” – There’s a high chance of infection – עלול להיווצר זיהום “Alul lehivatser matsav lo na’im” – This might result in an unpleasant situation – עלול להיווצר מצב לא נעים Notsra hizdamnut – Opportunity presented itself – נוצרה הזדמנות Notsra lanu hizdamnut – We happen upon an opportunity – נוצרה לנו הזדמנות Hivatsroot – Formation – היווצרות “Ezrach israeli meyatser bi-memutsa kilogram va-hetsi shel ashpa be-yom” – An Israeli citizen produces on aver