Streetwise Hebrew

#356 Creativity Run Amok



A listener wrote to ask, “how do you say creative in Hebrew?” Wow, there is so much to cover with the root י.צ.ר that it requires two full episodes! So roll up your sleeves and prepare your notebook and pencil because we’re about to get our creative juices going. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Yetsira – Creation, piece, work – יצירה Yetsirat omanut – A piece of art, a work of art, a composition – יצירת אמנות “Yetsirot Nivcharot be-tarbut ha-maarav” – Selected pieces of the western culture – יצירות נבחרות בתרבות המערב Yetsira muzukalit – Musical piece – יצירה מוסיקלית Litsor – To create, make, produce – ליצור “Anu mamlitsot lehachin et ha-yetsirot be-livuy ha-horim” – We recommend to prepare the pieces accompanied by your parents – אנו ממליצות להכין את היצירות בליווי ההורים “Tir’eh et ha-yetsira shel ha-bat sheli” – Look at my child’s craft – תראה את היצירה של הבת שלי Sadnat yetsira li-yeladim – Art creativity workshop for kids – סדנת יצירה לילדים Yotser, yotseret, yot