Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 408 - How Old Are You?



PODCAST: Struggling With Your Age? These 5 Tips Will HelpI’ll admit, there is nothing I hate more than when someone asks my age on a photo…because I know their goal is to give themselves as an excuse as to why they can’t look that way.They’ll say no they’re just curious or whatever, but I know…because I’ve done it myself.And I get it. There are new challenges we face as we get older.Changes we have to make.But these changes don’t have to limit us. They just require us to shift how we are doing things.Never give yourself the excuse to give up.Because guess what? That doesn’t help you ever live your healthiest happiest life!Not to mention, I have to admit that I pride myself on not only achieving something personally. I think what we can personally achieve honestly doesn’t even translate well to how we coach.Now the fact that I can help CLIENTS achieve their goals? Well that is what matters! Being called the menopause whisperer may be one of my proudest life moments ever.!Now what are 5 tips you can use to over