
361 - We Don't Have Time! Is Ingmar Rentzhog the Mark Zuckerberg of Climate?



Today's guest is a change maker named “The Green Mark Zuckerberg” by France TV's. I’m referring to Ingmar Rentzhog, The CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time, the world's largest social network for climate action. We'll hear more about what that means and how the idea was formed. By teaming up with Twitter and the U.N We Don't Have Time is reaching millions around the globe. Ingmar will share how you can invest in We Don't Have Time and be a part of solving the climate crisis and getting good returns on your investment. Remember you can always find the resources and learn more about today’s guest, recommendations, book links and more than 360 other founder stories and startup advice at (Gain access to all the show notes & resources from this episode here) You can connect with me, Nico Johnson, on Twitter, LinkedIn or email Thanks a ton to our podcast sponsor for continuing to help make this content FREE to You! Please check them out and le