
291 - Cybersecurity in the era of distributed energy, with Tom Tansy of SunSpec



If you listened to our previous episode with Tom Tansy, then you are aware that we left off with unfinished conversations around cybersecurity, which itself is a very hot topic. Today we are digging deeper into some of the implications of the “internet of energy” concept that we are creating, and that the next decade is absolutely certain to cement and expand upon exponentially for our industry. Remember you can always find the resources and learn more about today’s guest, recommendations, book links and more than 290 other founder stories and startup advice at (Gain access to all the show notes & resources from this episode here) You can connect with the me, Nico Johnson, on Twitter, LinkedIn or email Thanks a ton to our podcast sponsors for continuing to help make this content FREE to You! Please check them out and let me know what you think!