Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 409 - Starting From Scratch



I’m telling you this as an incredibly stubborn, at times very pigheaded, person that definitely likes to learn by doing…and failing.However, over time, as much as I value those learning experiences, I’ve come to realize it’s ok to want a little “cheat code” to get better results faster and skip over the mess.There will be plenty of ups and downs along the way even having that guide.Honestly, I’ve begun to really question my previous beliefs about starting from scratch and having to make the mistakes myself.I mean, why start from scratch when you can learn from the mistakes of others and leap frog months or even years past where you would be if you had to do it on your own?That isn’t admitting you couldn’t do it on your own. It’s being smart enough not to waste time and even find ways you could improve upon those helpful hints and such to get further than you would have otherwise.And it’s not only about using the experiences of others…it’s using your own previous knowledge to build off of versus feeling like y