Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 412 - Someone Always Has It Easier



Guess what?Someone always has it easier than you. And someone always has it harder than you.But also guess what?It doesn't MATTER IN THE FREAKING SLIGHTEST.All you can ever do is work based on your situation, your needs, your goals, your lucky breaks and horrible setbacks.I don't say this to be uncaring or unfeeling.Life can really push us to our breaking points at times.But the simple fact is, all we can ever do is try to find a way forward if we want results.As harsh as this sounds, sometimes we need to tell ourselves to stop trying to blame our lack of results or progress on our situation.The simple fact is...A. We often don't know what it took for someone else to succeed so trying to "claim" they had it easier is a waste of breath and only holds us back.And B. Ultimately whether we see everything in our life as a reason NOT to move forward or a reason TO move forward is up to us.Maybe it's because I'm openly a control freak, but I love to realize that whether I succeed o