Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 411 - "I Don't Need Accountability"



So it’s interesting the words that illicit not so favorable responses from people.Like beginner for instance.No one wants to be called a beginner, which I find amusing as I always want to own up to being a beginner at something. It means I have an excuse to suck at it.Honestly I try to act like a beginner in most things because I feel I can always master something more or better.But beginner is a word I’ve found many see as an insult. And oddly enough, accountability is a word just like that.A few times when messaging with people I’ve asked, “So are you looking for maybe more accountability and coaching?”And I swear I could see their looks through my phone screen as I read their messages back that had some form of this laced in with everything else….“I don’t need any accountability. I’m just not sure what to do but I’m very motivated and dedicated and don’t need someone to hold me accountable.”They never called out the coaching.Just the accountability part.As if wanting outside accountability was a bad thing.