Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 413 - You Don't Know Until You Try



We all do this…We say “It won’t work.”“I can’t do…”“I’ll never be able to…”“I’ll get turned down….”But we don’t actually “KNOW” what the outcome will be because we’ve never actually done the thing or tried to find a way around the situation.And I do understand we don’t have to try everything to know that some ideas are good or bad…Like jumping off a cliff…BUT I also think too often we write something off before we test it.We think we know the answer BUT we don’t actually know if we haven’t tried something!Sometimes we NEED to try it and fail to truly know whether or not it will work for us!Sometimes you’ve got to test something!It’s so funny how we avoid taking the risk when it feels like there could be embarrassment or failure.So funny how we won’t do that with things that feel too intimidating yet someone will tell us a plate is hot and we’ll touch it to test….don’t know if we don’t try right?! HahaWe draw our own lines.We DECIDE what is or isn’t worth the risk.We decide what we do or do NOT know until we’v