Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 416 - You Don't Have To Deal With...



I know I’ve personally been guilty of this even…The comparing where you see someone else’s success in, well, really any aspect of life and you think…“Yea well they didn’t have to deal with (insert thing you think is holding you back).”But that is a self-limiting belief.And honestly not beneficial as a thought in any way, shape or form.It does nothing to move us forward and only reinforces the belief we are somehow unable to find a way forward. But the simple fact of the matter is, life involves sacrifices no matter your situation.And we each have our own priorities and values.If we CHOOSE to bring something into our life, if we CHOOSE to make something a priority, we have to understand how it will impact other things.And this isn’t a bad thing. There is no right or wrong to what we should or shouldn’t value or prioritize.But each time we do put something first, we do automatically push other goals by the wayside.And we can’t BLAME those things.Instead we need to identify what truly matters to us and find ways