Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 418 - 3 Reasons Your Progress Has Stalled



I focus a ton on mindset on the podcast because I think our mindset behind things ultimately dictates our success or failure.We can have all the right tools and never embrace them or take action if our mindset isn’t there to move us forward.And I think our brain is often partly responsible for our progress stalling.We THINK we are doing all of the right things, but the reality is…We often aren’t.Yes sometimes we just need to stay consistent with everything because results are building and we just need to be patient…our least favorite thing ever…BUT often we’ve also let little things SLIDE that we haven’t even noticed.That’s why I wanted to touch on 3 things you want to assess if you’ve been stuck for awhile or feel like you’re even slowly starting to roll backward in your results…