Streetwise Hebrew

#366 Diving Head First



The Hebrew word לקפוץ means to jump. But its root has many more uses than just that. For instance, there's a common phrase that's used to describe the actions of a person who has no shame: להשתין מהמקפצה. The phrase involves a diving board and… urine. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Kol ha-yeladim koftsim rokdim” – All the kids are jumping and dancing – כל הילדים קופצים רוקדים Likpots (Coll.: Likfots) – To jump – לקפוץ Kafatsti rega la-super – I popped into the supermarket for a sec. – קפצתי רגע לסופר Ani kofets rega la-rofe – I am going for a quick doctors’ visit – אני קופץ רגע לרופא Kafats al ha-hizdamnoot – He jumped at the opportunity – קפץ על ההזדמנות Kafats kita – He skipped a grade – קפץ כיתה Kofetset li po hatra’ah – I have an alert popping up here – קופצת לי פה התראה Kofets li po eize halon – There’s some kind of popup window – קופץ לי פה איזה חלון Kfots li, kfetsi li, kfetsu li – Bite me – קפוץ לי, קפצי לי, קפצו לי She-yikfots, she-tikfots, she