Siena And Toast

#47 The Listeners Love The Gaydar Subject!



Featured TopicWhat listeners have to say about gaydar.  Also: ways to stop your cat from scratching up your furniture.  (a hint, pictured here is Song, one of the cats rescued thru Concerts4Cats, sleeping comfortably with his blue nail caps on)New ContestThe Prize: Traditional Medicinals sampler of "Cold Season" TeaEnter By: Correctly answering the question, "In the dyke world, what did WUSA stand for?" in the comments, or send it in an email to mail [at] girlmeetsgirlpodcast [dot] com.  Winner will be picked at random.MAKENA is up for two Hawaii Music Awards.  Winners are determined by worldwide internet voting, and you can vote everyday.  (?!)  :)  To vote for MAKENA for "Folk Album of the Year," go here.  To vote for MAKENA for "New Artist of the Year," go here.  Mahalo and thank you!Featured SongHeck, we don't even know the name of this hasn't been released yet, but it's a really cool 'ukulele duet instrumental by our producer Daniel Ho and Herb Ohta, Jr.Links in this EpHawaii Music Awards (voti