Siena And Toast

#41 Everyday Gay



Featured TopicEveryday Gay: we're outed at Subway and they got us feeling emotion at gay bowling.  MAKENA's new Christmas album is out!  So to speak.  It's called 7 Days of Christmas. Ongoing ContestThe Prize: 3 sticks of our new favorite lip balm -- 50% oragnic, spf 15, spearmint, and appropriate for dykes, femmes, and guys, too :)Enter By:  telling us the first tape, CD or record you wore out listening to...comment below!Featured Song(s)Demo of MAKENA's new Christmas album 7 Days of Christmas, available through www.MAKENAmusic.comLinks in this Epget MAKENA's 7 Days of Christmas CDProwl cat food by The Honest KitchenIf you enjoy the show, we'd really really appreciate your vote for GMG at PodcastAlley! Thanks!What's the first CD, tape, or record that you wore out?  100+ comments below!