Siena And Toast

#32 Parenting Pt. 1



Featured TopicWe have questions for those of you who are in the know.  Mostly about the aftermath of childbirth....  Parenting Pt. 1.Congratulations to Carolynn, winner of the latest issue of Yogi TimesNew ContestThe Prize: a Girl Meets Girl Podcast stickerEnter By: telling us where you'll stick it.  Post your answers in the comments or email us at mail at girlmeetsgirlpodcast dot comFeatured Song"Wiggle Bee '66" by The Telstars , featuring Siena's dad on lead guitar!Links in this EpSeptember is National Courtesy Month in the USAAnd it's also National Rice MonthSprinkles cupcakesYou can vote once per month for GMG at PodcastAlley.  If they tell you you can't vote because you already voted this month, and you didn't, could you please let us know?'s been an issue, we're conducting a study....  Thanks!Where would you stick a sticker?  Can you answer any of the mysterious (to us, anyway) questions we had about the onslaught of parenting?  Comment below -- and thanks in advance for