Siena And Toast

#26 Rats! Your Embarrassing Moments



Featured TopicSome embarrassing moments shared by listeners, and other moments shared by us.  Listen if you want a good natured laugh.  Pictured: Sexy Breakfast :)Congratulations to Jonnie!He won the first ever MAKENA stickers courtesy of Bad Cat Media!New ContestThe Prize: Living Green: a practical guide to simple sustainability, by Greg Horn.  The most affordable and practical ways to live more lightly on the planet.Enter by: share a healthy habit that works for you in the comments below on by emailing us at (mail at girlmeetsgirlpodcast dot com) Featured Song"Maunaloa" performed live by MAKENA on 8/6/04Links in this EpLei's Hawaiian BBQAnimal AcresLiving Green by Greg HornVote (it's a new month - Happy August! - so you can cast your vote for GMG again) at PodcastAlleyDon't forget that we're also welcoming your healthy habits in the comments