Siena And Toast

#21 How To Handle Criticism



Featured TopicHow to Handle Criticism.  When you put yourself or your work out there in front of people (this is MAKENA on stage at the Ford Amphitheatre in the Hollywood Hills, circa 2006) it's good to know how to deal with it in a healthy way.Congratulations Amanda!She's the winner of a box of Big Island Candies Mint Chocolate Covered Brownies!New ContestThe Prize:  T-shirt designed by and courtesy of listener Christopher of  The shirt is pretty darn cool looking.  You can see the design here.  ("Mount Seleya Music Festival" - Two Worlds, One Song.  Shi'Khar, Topash, Vulcan + Nenana, Alaska, Earth) and lists MAKENA as one of the bands playing in the festival, along with Shi'Khar Symphony Orchestra, The Sword of Rothgar, and several others.  Sounds like fun, don't it?Enter By: voting for the Girl Meets Girl podcast (please?) and then emailing us - mail [at] - to let us know you did.Featured Song"Ka Manu" by MAKENA, from a homemade recording done in 2002Links In This