Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 422 - If You Try To Please Everyone...



You end up pleasing no one. Especially not yourself.I personally believe we will ALWAYS care about what other people think…it’s how we can actually function as a society.But we also have to learn to filter what we care about.We have to learn to recognize when someone gives us an opinion that isn’t in line with what we need or want.And then we have to be ok with them judging us because we don’t go along with what they believe.But we have to remember we are doing this to be true to ourselves.Because whether we make ourselves happy is really what matters long term. You are stuck with yourself. You have to be the one that ultimately lives with your decisions.I mention this because often when we make lifestyle changes, make sacrifices others don’t understand, we will meet resistance and judgement.And it can feel awkward.It can feel awkward to skip the chips or bread. To not have the drink. To pick something “healthy” off the menu.And while I firmly believe we need to strike a lifestyle balance right for us, at tim