Rimproreport With Tom Adams

Sam Carpenter, Author of Work the System



Whack-a-mole. You know the game where the mole pops its head up and you have to hit it as quickly as you can? Do you feel like your business world looks a lot like that?There is a better way! You can systemize your business so it will grow and flourish without sucking up every ounce of energy you have and every minute you possess.Sam Carpenter used to run himself ragged as the President of Centratel, one of the largest commercial telephone answering services in the USA. He then discovered the power of systems and everything changed for him and the business. Sam went from 80-hour work weeks down to just two-hour weeks while at the same time multiplying his income 20-fold.Once he proved it, he wrote a book about the systems and processes he instituted at Centratel and outlined how to make them work for other business owners. I discovered the book a couple of years ago and devoured it. We then implemented systems into our business and it changed things dramatically for us too. The book Sam wrote is Work the Syst