Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 426 - Do You Value Yourself?



Body acceptance…Loving your body…I’m going to be brutally honest, I don’t think we’ll ever be 100% happy with ourselves or content. I think it is the human condition to always want more. BUT I also think we need to find a balance where we appreciate who and what we are flaws and all.We need to love ourselves despite the struggles and even value ourselves potentially more because of what we’ve gone through.Struggles do not diminish our value.Personally I believe those life experiences enhance our worth.But I thought this was also an interesting way of thinking about value…If I offered you a crisp and new $20 bill right now, you’d want it.If I crumpled that, you’d still want.If I rubbed some dirt on it and stepped on it, you’d still want the $20.Because the value of that bill hasn’t changed despite the dirt.Honestly the wear and tear on the bill really doesn’t matter, it’s still $20.We’ve got to value ourselves in the same way - we need to value ourselves despite painful conditions and failures.We can’t degrade