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Awesome Mike Baker - 3-time US National Tae Kwon Do Champion



On today's show our guest is Mike Baker. I'm super excited about this one as Mike is a fellow soldier. He is a 12-year US Army veteran, a drill instructor and an Infantry officer. Since leaving the military some time ago Mike has enjoyed a successful career working for Investment companies, and for himself. Mike has raised over $800 million dollars for investment companies across the Mid-west of the United States and is the creator of the Awesome Wholesaler Experience, which is a coaching and consulting company with a focus on the investment and insurance sector. Mike is a 3-time national Tae Kwon Do champion a loving husband and a father to 4 wonderful children. I'm excited to have a fellow soldier on and I know that you are going to be truly inspired by his outstanding discipline and total commitment to success. ========================================= http://www.awesomewholesalerexperience.com ========================================= https://www.facebook.com/AwesomeMikeBaker =============================