Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 427 - We Make Things IMPOSSIBLE



Yup you heard that right. We make things impossible because we tell ourselves they aren’t possible.And guess what?Sure…everything isn’t possible…nor we will achieve that goal in the same way someone else has even if we get there.Getting abs for you may be different than for me.We of course all have genetic limitations and pre-dispositions.But to just say you can’t get abs…well why not still strive for YOUR version of your leanest physique?Why just say you can’t have that exact thing and give up?Seriously then what is the option?!So often if we believe we can’t have something we just don’t even try!But we’ve got to stop telling ourselves we can’t if we want to move forward.Life is about constantly growing and improving. That is the fun in it.And I do truly believe that too often we write ourselves off.I didn’t think I could get abs!I didn’t think I could deadlift 310 pounds.I didn’t think I could get a tennis scholarship to a Division I team and play.I didn’t think I could start a business and go out on my own