Douglass Church - Douglass Blvd Christian Church

The Mercy of Judgment (Amos 7:7-17)



Turns out, people in power aren’t casually waiting for someone to show up and tell them that not only are they doing it wrong, they’re the source of injustice in the world. Nobody wants to hear that—especially those folks who’ve been told their whole lives what precious flowers they are, that the world is lucky to have them. The thing is, it’s not just modern people who have a hard time with God as judge, being told the world they’ve made for themselves has failed to please God. But Lord knows, we still have court priests, false prophets whose job, whose whole reason for existing is to reassure the folks in power that God’s just fine with the selfishness and casual cruelty against the most vulnerable. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc