Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 429 - Oversell The Negative



Often when we start a new program, we tell ourselves it's going to be THE THING. The lifestyle change we've been looking for.We tell ourselves it's going to be easy and magical (ok maybe not the magical part).Heck maybe we've even been convinced of this by friends who claim it was soooo easy to do and the BEST thing they've ever done.We can even manage to convince ourselves there won't be struggles.But this is exactly the OPPOSITE of what we should be doing.It's honestly what often sets us up for failure.Because if we think or believe that a change should be easy? We'll only end up super frustrated and overwhelmed when it isn't.Which 98% of the time...IT ISN'T!Something almost always comes up.And when it does, if we've told ourselves things SHOULD be easy?We'll feel like there is something wrong with us because it isn't, especially if we've been told it was easy for someone else.We have to realize instead that there will ALWAYS be set backs