Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 431 - Where is your comfort zone?



I was one of these people…So I always sympathize with this comment, “I’ll workout all day. It’s just so hard to change my diet.”Or…“I can train hard. I just can’t change my diet. I love food too much.”The thing is…We CAN change our diet.And yes, we all know we just aren’t “willing” to or we don’t “want” to….But what we don’t realize is that training is NOT easy.We’ve just become comfortable being uncomfortable in that way.Realizing that was oddly eye opening for me.Because A. It made me truly recognize that many people do NOT like training. I’ve just developed a comfort zone that includes it.And B. Even with training there are still things I’m not comfortable doing…often new skills I’m not good at. And when you start to assess moves or tools or such you won’t include and often scoff at even, you’ll start to see where your comfort zone ENDS.Basically what we’ve got to recognize is that dietary adjustments are possible…they’re just outside our comfort zone.So how do we learn to be comfortable being uncomfortabl