Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 437 - How Do You Even Know What Is Possible?



How Do You Even Know What Is Possible?I got asked on a post about getting abs the other day…“How do you even know what is possible for you?”It was one of those moments where you sit back and you go…“Well huh!”And my honest answer back was…“I don’t think you can fully know what is possible until you try.”I don’t think we can ever fully know how far we can go with something until we’ve tried.And even then, we can’t fully predict the snowball that will happen as we continue to accumulate knowledge, make those small improvements and let TIME do its work.I say this looking back at my own photos over the years, my own lifting logs…When I was doing 2 pull ups, I would never have said I’d get 20 beautiful ones in a row.When I was first trying to change my body type from the orange with toothpick limbs, I would never have told you I’d have abs I wanted to show off.Heck if you asked me if I’d have half nakey photos I’d share of myself to social media while also filming videos every week, I would have laughed at you and