Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 439 - Tracking IS NOT Restrictive



One size doesn’t fit all and tracking isn’t right for everyone.And even those that do track won’t use this tool in the exact same way or even forever.Heck, I was a person AGAINST tracking for a very long time.I made all the excuses about why not to do it.And I never saw the results I wanted.Until I decided to try to see opportunity in a different perspective.Until I decided to be open to something new and uncomfortable.I like to really highlight the purpose of any tools we may choose, or not choose to use.I want us to truly understand them. Because that gives us power.I think when we don’t understand a tool and its purpose…we don’t properly use them or even know when they aren’t right for us.I also want to discuss tracking being restrictive because I’m a big believer in NOT giving tools power over us.When we say we can’t track because it makes us obsessed or judgmental…or it’s too restrictive, we are giving the tracker POWER.And in trying to avoid something, we are almost giving it as much thought and attenti