Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 440 - Are You Truly Ready To Make A Change?



I think sometimes we WANT a change.We WANT a new and better result…But we aren’t truly READY to do what it takes to make a change.And so we will never succeed no matter how motivated we are.Now you may be thinking how can I be motivated but not ready?Because motivation is the DESIRE to do something.Being truly READY to make a change means you’re in the headspace to make sacrifices. You’re capable of doing the hard.You’re ready to embrace things that make you question what you’ve always done and challenge you to get outside your comfort zone.Ready is about more than wishing or hoping for a change…it means you’re prepared to do the hard to get the result.And all too often the reason we buy a program and never start despite being motivated is because we aren’t ready for the challenge of change.Because change is hard.Now if you’re thinking….“I’m motivated so how do I know if I’m ready?”I wanted to share some tips I’ve found helpful for clients to take that motivation and let it propel them into being ready to do