Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 441 - Don’t work harder



One of the hardest things for me personally to do is PAUSE. Pause and assess. Pause and learn. Pause and reflect.I like action.Honestly I’m prone to working harder wasting effort to just DO something over slowing down to learn and assess.But the secret to the best results in as short a time as possible isn't hard work...It's efficiency of work.And efficiency comes from constantly learning, constantly honing your skills. Constantly perfecting your tools and building your resources.It doesn't come from simply trying to do more.Because too often when we try to just do more and work harder, we don't find the best way to do something.And we end up wasting a ton of effort.A perfect example of this is the tale of two woodcutters.Woodcutter A cuts wood all day, never pausing to rest.Woodcutter B, on the other hand, at times throughout the day stops and sits down.At the end of the day, Woodcutter B has cut 3 times more wood than Woodcutter A.Woodcutter A incredulously asks, "How the heck have