Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 445 - Is Perfection Holding You Back?



You woke up late. Your alarm didn’t go off. The kids took longer to get ready than usual. There was traffic.You’re off your game and feeling a bit frustrated with running behind.You’re late starting your workout. And while usually you’d do 5 rounds of your circuit, you only get in 2.You then have to rush off for the rest of your day.But all day you’re slightly frustrated because you didn’t get in your full session.You feel GUILTY.And maybe even a bit grumpy about not doing what you’d ideally like to have done.Your meal prep starts to look worse and worse to you.It would be so easy to grab those chips, those crackers, that candy, instead.I mean, who cares right? Your days already off. Wouldn’t it be better to just start over tomorrow anyway?If you can’t be perfect with things…BOOM.That thought right there, that thought we’ve all had…this desire for perfection…is so often what holds us back.Even just hearing this story, we all think BUT you still did SOMETHING.Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off