Pps Pricing Podcast

Designing an Analytics-Based Pricing Framework



This episode will be geared towards introducing the audience to the best practices in pricing processes from around the world which can be implemented immediately.  We will conclude this episode with a look ahead on how some of the latest  technologies can be implemented into the pricing frameworks of the future.  We will answer questions like: -Can I use any best practices for quick wins with pricing?  -How does pricing work differently in times of high inflation?   -What is the difference between pricing infrastructure for B2B and B2C?  -What aspects of pricing should be handled in house vs outsourced?  -What aspects of pricing should be handled by personnel vs automated?  And much more! Speaker Info: Kiran Gange is the CEO and founder at RapidPricer, an Artificial Intelligence based  company in Amsterdam that specializes in reducing food waste through real time  pricing for retailers. Previously, he had founded CustoLogix in the year 2008 to help  ret