Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 450 - Shed The Ego - Fail Faster



Why do we have ego, take pride, in doing things alone?Why do we fear failing?If we want to succeed, we need to overcome these hurdles. We need to embrace failing faster and embrace an outside perspective.If you're finding yourself fighting against "help," fearing starting something new because you could fail....Here are some questions or perspectives to get out of your own way and even fail faster honestly….#1: Why not ask for help?#2: What pitfalls have others seen when taking on these challenges? Learn from others!#3: Repeat failing isn’t failure…Failure is never taking risk so you never see your full potential.#4: You want to put up a wall against doing it? Then do it more.Learn more about why that coaching, and accountability, may be key.--> Learn MoreLearn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe