Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 452 - The Self Control Gas Tank



As we go into a New Year, we may be motivated to make some changes - to reach new goals.But all too often, only a few weeks into the New Year and new habits, we find ourselves completely unmotivated and lacking the “willpower” to maintain some of the habits we’ve created.Are we just doomed to fail?Do we just not have the self control or discipline that others have?Or are we just approaching changes the wrong way?I think it is key we realize one big thing and then implement these 4 tips to help us see results…And that big thing we need to realize is that…SELF CONTROL IS LIKE A GAS TANK!During the day, there are so many things that happen that can deplete it.That’s why the more changes we make at once, and the more dramatic those changes, the more they become harder to implement when other things come up and our tank is already on EMPTY.It’s why we can feel like we just don’t have the willpower of someone else.Because we are trying to force changes that don’t meet us where we are at and cause the gas tank to ha