Little Things Matter

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Improving your life one thing at a time


  • Entitlement is the Road to Disappointment


    Many writers and sociologists have referred to the era in which we live as the “age of entitlement.” People’s expectations of life have never been higher; therefore, disappointments have never been greater. How can we avoid being entitled? How can we find the line between standing up for what we deserve and expecting too much? … Continue reading Entitlement is the Road to Disappointment →

  • 33 Small Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone


    I’ve written before about how the path to success is uncomfortable. You have to move outside of the place where you’re comfortable to grow and be more than you are today. The more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the larger your comfort zone becomes. As a result, you’ll feel comfortable in more environments. … Continue reading 33 Small Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone →

  • 10 Keys to Setting and Achieving BIG Goals


    What are some of the goals you’ve set over the last year? Being 100% honest, are you on track to achieve those goals? As you look over the last five years, what’s your track record for setting and achieving your goals? My life’s experience tells me that very few people achieve their goals. Whether their … Continue reading 10 Keys to Setting and Achieving BIG Goals →

  • 10 Most Valuable Human Attributes


    Over the last 30 years I have made a list of more than 1000 little things that influence who we become, what we achieve, and how we are viewed by others. In reviewing this list I selected what I believe to be the 10 most valuable human attributes. These are the 10 things that can … Continue reading 10 Most Valuable Human Attributes →

  • How to Overcome Limiting and Imprisoning Beliefs


    One of life’s greatest tragedies is when people fall short of their potential because of self-limiting or imprisoning beliefs. These are negative statements you’ve said to yourself and repeated so many times you believe they are true. Examples include such statements as: I can’t do that because… (something negative) I can’t be that way because… … Continue reading How to Overcome Limiting and Imprisoning Beliefs →

  • How to Get Life’s Winds Blowing at Your Back


    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get all the breaks?  They have the perfect spouse, the rich parents, the ideal job or business, the big beautiful home, and the nice car. Everything seems to be going their way. 30 years ago when I married my wife Joy, she said one of the … Continue reading How to Get Life’s Winds Blowing at Your Back →

  • 15 Tips to Speaking in Front of People


    While you may be reluctant or, even worse, scared to give a presentation in front of a group of people, it is one of life’s greatest personal growth experiences. When you have the opportunity to share your insights with a group, accept the invitation and watch your self-confidence and value to the market grow! Over … Continue reading 15 Tips to Speaking in Front of People →