Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 100:51:36
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GPS-God Positioning System is part of the teaching ministry of Covenant Community Church


  • It Only Takes a Second! – What Just Happened? (Session Three)

    28/10/2014 Duração: 01h35s

    It Only Takes a Second! – What Just Happened? (Session Three) Topics/Passage: John 5:1-9, miracles Summary: We have been taking a journey through some miracles that are powerful reminders of who God is and how God works. In this edition of the “What Just Happened?” series we find a story full of seconds. Now on first read, it is hard to imagine what that has to do with the story, but when you slow down and see what is really happening… once again we find ourselves in the moment and discover we have much to learn. So let’s stop what we are doing and take a walk by a pool… relax, it will only take a second!

  • Nothing Too Great – What Just Happened? (Session Two)

    19/10/2014 Duração: 01h08min

    Nothing Too Great – What Just Happened? (Session Two) Topics/Passage: John 4:46-54, miracles Summary: When you read the words, “God is Great” most of us nod our heads in agreement. But while we are bobbing our heads we sometimes forget to engage our brains and really think about what that statement means. We are exploring miracles and digging into some things that Jesus did many years ago that show us how He works, how He deals with us, and how we need to respond to Him… today. In our study today we blow away the barriers and are reminded that with God – anything is possible. But for each of us there comes a moment when we have to decide how great we really believe God is. Because if we really believe He is all that He promised, then is there anything that we won’t do to stay close to Him?

  • The Day Water Blushed – What Just Happened? (Session One)

    12/10/2014 Duração: 51min

    The Day Water Blushed – What Just Happened? (Session One) Topics/Passage: God's Glory, John 2:1-10, miracles Summary: What Just Happened? “Miracles are happening all around us all the time, but you won’t see them if you don’t know how to look for them.” Our impossible situations are God’s greatest opportunity to reveal His glory Sometimes it’s hard to believe that God still does miracles. We don’t expect Him to move in miraculous ways in our day-in and day-out lives. Maybe we’d like to see miracles, but it’s hard to see past our problems. All that is about to change, like water into wine…in this series we explore miracles that point us toward Jesus. If you are longing to see God work in your own life in miraculous ways…then you will love this faith strengthening, life giving series. Today we begin the series and think about water. Simple, basic, foundational for life…and on this occasion, the clear water blushed at a command from Jesus. The result was that water was changed into wine and Jesus began a minis

  • Is God In Your Future? – Nitty Gritty (Session Four)

    05/10/2014 Duração: 49min

    Is God In Your Future? – Nitty Gritty (Session Four) Topics/Passage: Being Involved in the future, Facing the Future, Invitation to the Future, Joshua 1:1-10 Summary: The Nitty Gritty series has been forcing us to build on our foundation of what we believe and why it matters. Along the way we have explored whether or not God cares for us, which is a much more important question than whether or not He exists. Our study has forced us to really examine what it means when Jesus says He is the only way, and why what He is offering sets Christianity apart from every other religious faith in history. In our last session we explored the essence of what real faith truly is and what it is not. Now with all of that foundation, we ponder the future. Your future… what happens and how do you face it? Whether the future seems far off or if it staring us in the face- the questions God in your future and what does He have to tell you about it?

  • Is Jesus The Only Way (and what about all the other religions)? – Nitty Gritty (Session Two)

    30/09/2014 Duração: 50min

    Is Jesus The Only Way (and what about all the other religions)? – Nitty Gritty (Session Two) Topics/Passage: Deuteronomy 30:11-20, God Pursues Us, life, Other Religions Summary: How do we know? That is a big question for a lot of people. There are so many different worldviews, beliefs, and religions. All of them seem to move through history and life with an attitude of “my god can beat your god” And then there is Jesus… Did Jesus really teach that He was the only way to God? There are a lot of people who take an inventory of the world around them and ask – Wouldn’t a loving God accept all paths and justify all beliefs? Today get down to the nitty gritty truth of the gospel and how Jesus is the only way…

  • Is Faith Nonsense (cause sometimes I just don’t really get it)? – Nitty Gritty (Session Three)

    28/09/2014 Duração: 43min

    Is Faith Nonsense (cause sometimes I just don’t really get it)? – Nitty Gritty (Session Three) Topics/Passage: 2 Corinthians 4, Aftermath, NON-Sense, Problem, Solution Summary: Here we go again! We are getting down to the real issues and questions that people struggle and sometimes muddle through when the start thinking about God. In the honest journey of searching for God, we inevitably run into the issue of faith. The question might be asked a million different ways but at its core it sounds something like this – “How do we believe in something we cannot see?” And that brings us to another Nitty Gritty moment… today we will take an honest look and answer the question – Is faith nonsense? Let’s get ready to explore and be warned, what we find may surprise you.

  • Does God Care (About Me)? – Nitty Gritty (Session One)

    14/09/2014 Duração: 45min

    Does God Care (About Me)? – Nitty Gritty (Session One) Topics/Passage: Create Something Good, evil, John 11:32-43, Set Things Right, suffering Summary: There are many people who want to debate the question “does God exist?” Often those who want to engage in this debate will pride themselves on their brilliant arguments and actually think their doubts are intellectual breakthroughs that carry more clout than the realities that others will argue back. Perhaps that is a good question to ponder but it is not the most important or significant question. This series is designed to ask the real question, the ones that get to down the nitty gritty of what matters. Today we see that the important question is not whether God exists but instead the nitty gritty question and issue is “does God care?” And beyond that, if He cares… does He care about me?

  • What It Takes To Make History

    07/09/2014 Duração: 01h05min

    What It Takes To Make History Topics/Passage: Exodus 35-36, Generosity, skills, Willingness, work Summary: So often people ask, “what is Covenant Community Church like?” It is a good question. Usually we respond that we are not perfect, but we are group of people who are in the process of transformation, striving to become who we are created to be. That is exciting and fun…but sometimes, we miss the importance of what we are called to do. The ministry of CCC is a unique place that God has blessed and used to do so much more than we realize. We are not just a church that gathers in a warehouse, not just a people, but a movement that has the potential to touch and change the world. Today we explore the Old Testament and find a Biblical model of how history is made… it is the call God has placed on our lives.

  • A Sleep Study – Awake Series (Session Three)

    31/08/2014 Duração: 46min

    A Sleep Study – Awake Series (Session Three) Topics/Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:5-6, Awake, Down and Out, Sleep Study, Sleepless Summary: Ah… we have been in a series where we have been looking at the importance of being “awake.” The series has reminded us of how important it is to stay awake, how to open our eyes and see what God is doing, and why that changes everything about us. So it is only fitting that we wrap up this series with a little sleep study. In this study we will examine two different groups and see the difference and which group we might be in.

  • Amazing What You See When You Stay Awake – Awake Series (Session Two)


    Amazing What You See When You Stay Awake – Awake Series (Session Two) Topics/Passage: Be Great, Isaiah 60:1-3, Smell the Coffee, Wake Up Summary: In our awake series we have been challenged with the need to live life “awake” and alert…with our eyes open to all that God is wanting to do around us. This week, we continue our series with a passage from Isaiah where we are reminded just how amazing the world around us really is when we are willing to stay awake.

  • A Pillow Can Be A Pillar (Even if you aren’t from the Deep South) – Awake Series (Session One)

    17/08/2014 Duração: 42min

    A Pillow Can Be A Pillar (Even if you aren’t from the Deep South) – Awake Series (Session One) Topics/Passage: Can't Stay the Same, Gen 28:11-22, Go All In, God Shows Up Summary: We are launching into a new series entitled “AWAKE!” and we begin with the realization that for many people, they are just snoozing their way through life, missing the moments that God has for them. But “if you snooze – you lose” so we must all wake up and discover that God is at work and has something He has created each of us to become. It is time to start living life awake… and when we do, we find that every thing and every moment is a gift from God.

  • One Glimpse And I Am In Awe

    03/08/2014 Duração: 45min

    One Glimpse And I Am In Awe Topics/Passage: A Glimpse of God, awe, Colossians 1:15-16, Creator, Invisible, Owner Summary: In the Bible we catch glimpses of Jesus that simply leave us in awe. Our celebration worship experience today is designed to do just that – give you a glimpse and leave you in awe of Him!

  • Never Too Late... (Action !- Session Three)

    27/07/2014 Duração: 52min

    Never Too Late... (Action !- Session Three) Luke 23:39-43 Entrance Ramp : Do you see it? Entrance Ramp : What did he see? 1) Obey Anyway Everyday 2) Here and Now We have been exploring the importance of not being passive and being willing to take "action" when God moves in your life. Although it seems like a simple topic, we have found out that it is simple, most people don't do it, and when push comes to shove... we are hesitant to become the action heroes that God calls us to be. In this wrap up to the series, we are reminded in a powerful way that it is never too late to get started... so lets get ready to move into action!

  • Here and Now… – Action! Series (Session Two)

    20/07/2014 Duração: 50min

    Here and Now… – Action! Series (Session Two) Topics/Passage: Actions Matter, Luke 19, What you do, What you know Summary: In our Action! series we have seen the danger of doing nothing. In this study we discover the importance of owning what you do and the importance of doing something with that insight. People who are willing to do that can hear the call of God much clearer and are ready to be and do the heroic things they are created for. How about you? Are you ready to get into Action!?

  • It Will All Work Out… Later! – Action! (Session One)

    13/07/2014 Duração: 47min

    It Will All Work Out… Later! – Action! (Session One) Topics/Passage: 1 Samuel 2-3, Being Passive, Choosing God Summary: We all love to watch action heroes…well, because they do something, they take action, and the action they take makes things happen. For many people, they stop at watching action and never do anything on their own. As a result, following God has become a spectator sport where we cheer, get charged up about what others are doing, but never “get moving” ourselves. There is a serious danger in trying to live this way and in this study today, we look at that a bit closer.

  • Independence Day Celebration Worship 2014

    06/07/2014 Duração: 23min

    Independence Day Celebration Worship 2014 Topics/Passage: freedom, July 4th Summary: It is a patriotic, all American, honest look at independence Sunday at CCC. This week we are reminded of how much we need the Father and we will worship. Along the way we will get to hear a report from our students who are just back from Mission Camp, we will sing songs of praise and worship, and then we feature a Christmas in July moment where we return to 1776. It will be a great day to celebrate! “Real freedom is not doing what you want, when you want, just because you can… the culture would tell you that. Instead, real freedom is the right to do what you ought to do… to make life better for all, to embrace who you were created to be, and to touch and change the world. Freedom is never free… it never has been… it never will be… The freedom Jesus gives to us cost Him everything”

  • I Can See Clearly Now… What is really happening here! – Light It Up (Session Four)

    29/06/2014 Duração: 58min

    I Can See Clearly Now… What is really happening here! – Light It Up (Session Four) Topics/Passage: Gracious, loving, Luke 15:11-31, Seeking Summary: Discovering you are in a Distant County, having to endure a rude awakening, coming face to face with yourself in a moment of brutal honesty have all be a part of this series called “Light It Up.” Yet each of these ideas and concepts have brought us to this moment when you get to make a choice. Will the light open your eyes to make you see clearly or not? After all, as we have told you each week… this beloved story in the Bible is really not a story about a lost son it is really the story about a father. A father that we need to know and a father that we must make some choices about. Today we see if can discover what is really happening in the story… the conclusions we will find can change you forever.

  • “I Gotta Do Something”, I Said To Myself – Light It Up (Session Three)

    22/06/2014 Duração: 44min

    “I Gotta Do Something”, I Said To Myself – Light It Up (Session Three) Topics/Passage: Big Deal or Not, Luke 15:11-31, Talking to yourself Summary: We are in a series where we are thinking about moments in our life, when we are struck with an AHA moment and the “lights suddenly come on.” In those moments of clarity we are finally in the best position to make choices that will lead to change. In the study today, we once again revisit the story Jesus told about a boy in a pig pen. Bogged down in pig slop he comes to the same conclusion that we come to at times, “I gotta do something!”

  • Three Types of Love – Guest Speaker: Lewis Miller

    15/06/2014 Duração: 43min

    Three Types of Love – Guest Speaker: Lewis Miller Topics/Passage: Love the Lord, Love your children, Love your wife Summary: Our guest Bible teacher, Lewis Miller, spoke to the fathers in the room (since it was Father’s Day) and told us about three types of love that we should have. Lewis is a Team Strategist and is part of the Congregational Support Ministries team for the Florida Baptist Convention.

  • Open Your Eyes… It Is Dark In Here – Light It Up (Session Two)

    08/06/2014 Duração: 47min

    Open Your Eyes… It Is Dark In Here – Light It Up (Session Two) Topics/Passage: dependence, Heavy Sleepers, Luke 15:11-31, Rude Awakening Summary: We all have had those moments when we wake up and for a few moments we have no idea where we are. Usually the disorientation only lasts a few moments and your brain kicks into gear as you begin to process the world surrounding you. That simple act of waking up is also something that has to happen for us in a spiritual sense as well. If we are ever going to start making the good choices that get us closer to God, then we all are in need of an awakening. Today we sound the alarm and give you a wake up call.

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