Self Awareness is extremely important for positive relationships with others and for true happiness
Keira Barr, MD, The Connection Between Emotions & Our Skin’s Health
06/02/2025 Duração: 56minDo you feel comfortable in your skin? How often do you look at yourself in the mirror and just see the wrinkles, spots, or sagging skin on your body? Is there a reason why most of us focus on how our skin is aging? Dual board-certified dermatologist and author of The Skin Whisperer, Keira Barr, […]
Choosing Love Over Fear
05/02/2025 Duração: 58minI never allowed my children to use the word “HATE.” I never thought I would say this, but it seems like hate has replaced common sense. A difference of perspective is breaking up friendships and families. Stories are distorted and truth has become political. Although in many ways the world has united, it stands very […]
Zulia Frost, MD, DCMAc, Healing and Recovery with Red Light Therapy
30/01/2025 Duração: 57minHave you ever stumbled upon a solution to a problem you were told could never be fixed naturally? This has happened to me more times than I can count. I had been sharing the benefits of frequency therapy for five years before I needed it myself. And only then, in a time of intense pain, […]
Jennifer Gramith, ND, New Year, New You, New Lab Insights
29/01/2025 Duração: 57minIt is the new year and many of us have health goals. But we do not know how to get beyond our comfort zone. We are so fortunate that Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness, has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced […]
Carl Wagner, Can Help You!
16/01/2025 Duração: 58minIt saddens my heart when I hear of someone getting a cancer diagnosis, especially when fear is instilled in them. Many times, these same people are not given all the options that will help them make an informed decision towards their cancer journey. I cannot imagine anyone who would like to make a life-changing decision […]
Thomas Levy, MD, JD, Resolving Cardiac Arrhythmias
15/01/2025 Duração: 57minBoard-Certified cardiologist, Thomas Levy, MD, JD, has taught us the benefits of vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, and how toxins in the mouth can cause disease. We completed The Roadmap to Health and Optimal Treatment of Disease virtual workshops that are now available to you online. Dr. Levy has a way of bringing a new awareness […]
Michelle LaMasa Dawson, PhD, Finding Freedom in Forgotten Wounds
09/01/2025 Duração: 56minDo certain simple situations, people, places, or things bother you more than you think is normal. Even when you are not paying attention, a word, a sound, or a song, can evoke anger, frustration, short temperedness, and can make you confused or sad. Consciously, there is no real reason why this reaction is felt. Could […]
Joel Fuhrman, MD, Favorite Must Haves For 2025
08/01/2025 Duração: 57minHave you had your G-BOMBS today? If you haven’t, you will want to after today’s class. Since August 2015, world renowned, New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman, MD, has been sharing evidence-based research about healing our bodies with a Nutritarian lifestyle. It became a tradition on the last class of the year for Dr. […]
Looking at The Old, With New Eyes!
19/12/2024 Duração: 56minWhat is the difference between the end of December 2024 and the beginning of January 2025? Anyone… anyone… Buhler? Answer: Perspective! The way we relate to the new and to starting over. Somehow that shift from one year to the next will make the past disappear and the future change miraculously. But what if the […]
Jennifer Gramith, ND, Understanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring Part 2
18/12/2024 Duração: 58minJennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced mindset. She has helped us cleanse our Gallbladder/Liver and taught us about the latest in energy medicine introducing us to tools like EVOX and ZYTO. Last month Dr. Jen […]