Impressions from Hawaii. Videos und free MP3-Songs in memory to Hawaii and other locations around the world. You can travel where you want and you will see the beautiful parts of our earth. Enjoy it !
Let me be your Heartbeat
14/01/2015My song number 8 "Let me be your Heartbeat" of my new album "New Beginning". Enjoy Joe
Puro Beach Pescados
12/01/2015This is the 7th song of my new album "New Beginning" called "Puro Beach Pescados". Enjoy Joe
Sun Over Palma
14/08/2014Here is now my fourth song "Sun Over Palma" from my new Album "New Beginning". Eynjoy it. Hier ist der vierte Song "Sun Over Palma" von meinem neusten Album "New Beginning". Habt Spaß damit.
Nice Dance
13/08/2014Here my third song "Nice Dance" from the new album "New Beginning". Enjoy. Hier der dritte Song "Nice Dance" von meinem neuen Album "New Beginning. Habt Spaß dabei.
Flying High
10/07/2014From my new album "New Beginning" here the first song "Flying High" . Enjoy it.
Dancing Right Away - Second Chance
01/09/2011This is my song number five of my work in progress album "New Life Lines" and the song called "Dancing Right Away - Second Chance". I hope you enjoy my newest song. Yours Joe. Das ist mein neuestes Lied aus meinem Album "New Life Lines", welches gerade in Arbeit ist. Das Lied hat den Titel "Dancing Right Away - Second Chance". Viel Spaß beim hören. Euer Joe