Orpheus Sings

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3:35:14
  • Mais informações



This is an original collection of short stories and poetry by antipodeanwriter.wordpress.com


  • 31 - Prose - Madman

    30/05/2011 Duração: 05min

    A madman lives alone in a graveyard as he loses his mind. Of hope - there is none. None - that is, until some miracle-man shows up...

  • 30 - Prose - Welcome Death My Friend

    29/05/2011 Duração: 05min

    Death visits a man lying on his death-bed. But are the two foes? Or friends?

  • 29 - Prose - Harrowing Hell

    28/05/2011 Duração: 12min

    Running an efficient operation in Hell is a ticklish business - at the best of times. So - imagine the hell to pay when Hell itself is invaded. From without.

  • 28 - Prose - Slander-Devil

    27/05/2011 Duração: 16min

    Lost in the suburban maze, a young man asks a passerby for directions. After all, passers-by are human beings too, ready to assist one another as the need arises. Right? Right. Well, except if passers-by aren’t always what they seem…

  • 27 - Prose - Merlin's Stand

    26/05/2011 Duração: 06min

    Merlin confronts the druid power: speaking out against its traditional use of human sacrifice. But Merlin goes further: openly challenging the druids to a trial of strength. Has Merlin's mocking gone too far? Can one man overcome the infernal powers that answer the druids' bidding?

  • 26 - Prose - Call to Arms

    25/05/2011 Duração: 06min

    King Arthur summons Uther to arms - urgently. Along with all his men. But Uther is tired of war - although he grimly acknowledges its necessity. But - will there ever be an end to battles? Does all the incessant warfare merely signify a dying kingdom?

  • 25 - Prose - Once A King

    24/05/2011 Duração: 10min

    When the Sea-Wolves fall upon the coast, Caer Avalon strengthens its walls, lays in stores, and summons its men to arms. But are strong walls and sharp swords enough to repel the fierce raiders from across the sea?

  • 24 - Prose - The Ruins

    23/05/2011 Duração: 18min

    The Ruins were home to the gods - so they said. But what other powers now dwell in the ruins: centuries after the gods have fled?

  • 23 - Prose - In the Land of Faerie

    22/05/2011 Duração: 18min

    Farinor is orphaned by the Fever, and raised by the kindly Wiggins' family. But Farinor is half-Faerie blood: his destiny is sundered from those of other mortal men. What adventures must Farinor undergo before he finally understands what his Faerie-kind demand from him?

  • 22 - Prose - The Star Maker

    21/05/2011 Duração: 12min

    A human soul embarks on a journey across time and space to probe the mysteries of being. What new secrets will it reveal upon reawakening?

  • 21 - Poem - Why?

    20/05/2011 Duração: 03min

    Why are the heavens suspended, on pillars of coruscant blue? And why are the clouds hanging airborne like shrouds Metamorphosing all the time too? Why are sable heavens so star-filled? The numberless suns in dark sky? With galaxies whirling, rotating unfurling - One day I should like to know why. Where are the storerooms of snowstorms? What are the measures of hail? Who has second-sight? And where lives the light? Why do seasons progress without fail? What words have the winds in the mountains? What language do rains chatter by? Which paths underground do the streams move around - On that day, I should like to know why. What do all the animals speak of? What say all the angels around? What fields in heaven will to us be given? What wonders are there to be found? When will I travel the universe? How many stars live and then die? Do aliens roam? Or is mankind alone? Either way, I should like to know why. How do souls knit to their bodies, deep inside their own mother's womb? From where come souls rife to

  • 20 - Poem - When I Die

    19/05/2011 Duração: 02min

    After death, I shall dance on a sunbeam, And turn pirouettes in the air. Like the angels my body will move like a dream When in heaven I make my home there. I will climb up the rainbow one morning, And build castle-clouds in the sky. Aetherial battlements swelling and soaring And cloud-ships to move around by. One day I will scoot down a sun flare, And swim in the heart of the sun. And flame salamanders will come close and stare At their strange visitor who has come. For my spirit will blaze like a star-burst. Immortal, it never will die. For Jesus will free me from Adam's old curse And at last I will learn the whole “WHY?”.

  • 19 - Poem - Madman

    18/05/2011 Duração: 04min

    Stanza 1: In the prison of my mind my madness kept me wholly chained So I knew not kith nor kindred, nor cared whereabouts I dwelt. My strength increased by tenfold when my anger was enflamed These twins – anger and madness – all I felt.

  • 18 - Poem - Angel-Work

    17/05/2011 Duração: 05min

    Stanza 1: In times ago among the stars a pair of angels walked Talking between themselves about the creatures being made. For they had seen great mysteries – about these both them talked. And what High God was doing made the subject that they sayed.

  • 17 - Poem - Welcome Death - My Friend

    16/05/2011 Duração: 03min

    Stanza 1: “You've come for me – O Death, my friend? So finally – come for me? I loved my life. I love my death. So take my final faltering breath. For mortal things have mortal end This I have come to see.”

  • 16 - Poem - Pilgrimage

    15/05/2011 Duração: 03min

    Prologue: A pilgrim I, whose lonely life Has known children, man and wife Both young and old, and middling too All walks of men. The false, the true, The bad, the good. The saint and knave. Bullies, cowards, and some brave. Knowing all these types of men And women, children; this I ken: Of all I've known, and all I knew - How many stayed beside me true?

  • 15 - Poem - Harrowing Hell

    14/05/2011 Duração: 05min

    Prologue: A demon on the walls of hell Rang hard the fierce alarum bell “Hell's invaded!” was its cry And to the walls all demons fly “Weapons – ready!” Devils arm And listen to the grim alarm.

  • 14 - Poem - The Day the Heavens Split

    13/05/2011 Duração: 04min

    Stanza 1: The day the heavens split apart I saw it from Skull Hill. An innocent they put to death - as the oppressors willed. His back was cut by scourging, so his blood coursed freely down And his instruments of torture were paraded through the town - Upon this day. This days of days. The day the heavens split.

  • 13 - Poem - Ordo Salutis

    12/05/2011 Duração: 04min

    Stanza 1: God preselects whom He foreknew, predestines those of men He saves. His choice becoming manifest, selecting from mankind's depraved: From Adam's fallen offspring choosing who becomes His own Elect. God knew! He chose me! Deeds of mine - bear nothing on whom He selects.

  • 12 - Poem - Slander-Devil

    11/05/2011 Duração: 03min

    What speaks with devil's wicked tongue? Just like a snake, primed with venom? A two-faced person: Janus-like Who always evil will requite. Its tongues are formed all barbed and bold To slander brazenly. All told In every quarter all around Each lie blared forth with loudest sound. Of its two heads: one charms the view Extracts your secrets, feigning true - Then turns to show its second face: Whose ugly spite brings your disgrace. For what can counter many lies? The truth? But rarely! Where mud flies It sticks. Integrity undeniable Drowns beneath the tonnes of libel. Flee slander-devils! They betray All that they hear the selfsame day. These two-faced monsters you despise So heed them not! Their speech: all lies! Note where these devils live on earth And give their evil lairs wide berth. Their filthy words God shall repay Them their full worth on Judgement Day.

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