Dyslexic And Un-stoppable

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 11:09:12
  • Mais informações



Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppablegives you the tools and strategies to help your dyslexic children and struggling students rediscover their inner power.  We do this through our mission:We inform: We teach parents the signs & symptoms of dyslexia to ensure early detection (bring awareness, early detection and debunk myths)We advocate: We remind parents & teacher that words are powerful and preserving the child self-esteem is crucial.We assist: We share all the tools and strategies we used to help our son overcome dyslexia. (All demonstrations are hands-on, visual and interactive to benefit the dyslexic child.)We guide: We equip parents with basic knowledge so they can best navigate the school system to get necessary services.For more information please visitwww.DyslexicAndUnstoppable.com.


  • What if you didn't take a chance to help your dyslexic child?

    20/11/2017 Duração: 03min

    3 Steps To Take When Your Dyslexic Child Is Struggling In Elementary School.Sometimes it can be a little scary to trust your gut, to go against conventional wisdom and do what's right for your dyslexic child.We experienced this when our son was struggling in 1st grade and the school brought up the chance of him repeating. We knew that was not the right answer. So we took a chance and got him the help he needed. And that has made all the diference.It's the same with our free program we are offering now, 3 Steps To Take When Your Dyslexic Child Is Struggling In Elementary School. It gives you 3 steps to take right now to go from being stuck to on the right path.At the end of that program we offer you our flagship course, 7 Steps To Creating The Life Of Your Dreams With Dyslexia at half price. You may have some trepidation about investing in the program. But just like we did for our son, we recommend you take a minute, close your eyes, quiet your mind and figure out what is right for you.We hope to see you in th

  • Can you really do anything to help your dyslexic child?

    17/11/2017 Duração: 05min

    3 Steps To Help Your Dyslexic Child Now When your dyslexic child is struggling ins school, it can be overwhelming. You worry about the reading, the writing, the spelling, the math, and more. You may feel like there is very little you can do. As I explain in this video, this is a common feeling. We were in the same boat. Find out what we did to overcome this feeling. Then take advantage of the free video series, "Three Steps To Take Right Now When Your Dyslexic Child Is Struggling In School" There's no opt-in required.Check out the free video series. 3 Steps To Help Your Dyslexic Child Now  

  • Is a "No Homework Night" a Good Idea For A Dyslexic Child?

    15/11/2017 Duração: 02min

    3 Shifts To Help Your Dyslexic ChildSchools sometimes try to give children breaks by having occasional "No Homework Nights". Recently a well-known dyslexia website suggested that this was not a good idea for children with dyslexia. Their argument is that children will get out of practice, that it is better to keep up the consistency. In this episode I discuss an alternative view, that maybe an occasional night off is a great idea. It helps give your child some time to relax, rejuvenate, and explore other interests.Need help for your struggling dyslexic child?Check out our free video series: 3 Steps When Your Dyslexic Child Is Struggling In School:3 Shifts To Help Your Dyslexic Child

  • Does It Matter Which Reading Program You Enroll Your Dyslexic Child In?

    15/11/2017 Duração: 04min

    3 Steps To Take When Your Dyslexic Child Is Struggling In School, If your child is dyslexic, the right reading program can make all the difference. Some reading programs are made more for children who just need a little help catching up. Dyslexic children need explicit instruction such as from an Orton-Gillingham instructor.In this video I discuss how important the right reading class is. I also discuss our free video series:3 Steps To Take When Your Dyslexic Child Is Struggling In School, which will help you get unstuck. At the end of that program we make a special offer for our flagship course and I explain how the money you can save from picking the right reading program can more than pay for that course.To check out 3 Steps To Take When Your Dyslexic Child Is Struggling In School, click here 

  • How can I help my Dyslexic child gain confidence with books?

    03/10/2017 Duração: 03min

    http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/help-when-your-smart-child-is-struggling-in-schoolWhen your dyslexic child is really struggling with reading it can affect her self-confidence.  She can begin to doubt her intelligence.  This can lead to her not wanting to try to read.So how can you help your dyslexic child gain confidence and begin to enjoy reading?  That' the topic of this video.Want to get some more help for your dyslexic child?  Download our free video series.3 Shifts To Make To Help Your Dyslexic Childhttp://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/help-when-your-smart-child-is-struggling-in-school

  • How can simple changes I make really help my Dyslexic child?

    28/09/2017 Duração: 03min

    http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/help-when-your-smart-child-is-struggling-in-school3 Shifts To Make To Help Your Dyslexic Childhttp://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/help-when-your-smart-child-is-struggling-in-schoolSurely simple changes you make can't have a big impact on your dyslexic child, or can they?   Dyslexia is such a big, and sometimes overwhelming, subject that as a parent, you can feel that there is nothing that you can do to help.  However after years of helping parents, as well as experiences listening to experts in finance, investing, nutrition and more, I've learned that it is usually the simple shifts that you make that can have a lasting impact. What simple shifts have you done that have had a big impact on your life?  Leave it in the comments below.Learn 3 simple shifts that you can make to greatly help your dyslexic child:

  • Are you stressed out about your Dyslexic child going back to school?

    25/09/2017 Duração: 02min

    http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/help-when-your-smart-child-is-struggling-in-schoolAre you stressed out about your Dyslexic child going back to school? It's Back To School time.  Parents and children have both excitement and maybe a little nervousness.For the parent of the child with dyslexia it can be an expecially nerve-racking.  Questions come up such as:  How will my child stay organized?  Will the school keep up with his IEP?  How can I get the teacher to give him the extra help he needs?In this video I give you some tips to get through this stressful time.Also I mention our free video series:3 Shifts To Make To Help Your Dyslexic Childhttp://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/help-when-your-smart-child-is-struggling-in-school

  • The one voice to trust to help your dyslexic child

    18/09/2017 Duração: 01min

    http://dyslexic-and-un-stoppable.teachable.com/p/10-steps-to-take-when-your-smart-child-is-falling-behind-in-schoolWith all the confusion about dyslexia, What's the one voice you should trust when trying to help your dyslexic child?  I reveal it in this video. To check out the course:10 STEPS TO TAKE WHEN YOUR SMART CHILD IS FALLING BEHIND IN SCHOOLhttp://dyslexic-and-un-stoppable.teachable.com/p/10-steps-to-take-when-your-smart-child-is-falling-behind-in-school

  • How Can “Connecting The Dots” Help Your Dyslexic Child?

    14/09/2017 Duração: 03min

    http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com//10-surprising-symptoms-of-dyslexiaDoes your child struggle with reading, spelling, organization?  Is writing a real chore?  Does she have trouble tying her shoes?  These all can be possible signs of dyslexia, and the sooner you identify your child's dyslexia, the sooner you can get the help she needs. Find out 10 Surprising Symptoms Of Dyslexiahttp://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com//10-surprising-symptoms-of-dyslexia

  • How do you recognize and nurture your Dyslexic child's strengths?

    11/08/2017 Duração: 02min

    Find Your Dyslexic Child's StrengthsHow do you recognize and nurture your Dyslexic child's strengths?Need some help with finding your child's strengths? Is your child one of those who sometimes feels like "I don't do anything well"?In this episode we discuss changing your focus from all of the things you need to "fix", reading, writing, math, etc. to finding what your child does well and focusing some energy on that. Download our free worksheet and let's change your child's perspective:Find Your Dyslexic Child's Strengths

  • My kid's not dyslexic...or is he?'

    08/08/2017 Duração: 02min

    Over the past 5 years of giving talks on dyslexia, doing booksignings, and meeting parents, we find many people have difficulty recognizing dyslexia. They think of dyslexia as "writing backwards". They don't connect the dots with the child who has difficulty with reading, fine motor issues, and speech problems. Here are 3 Unusual Symptoms of Dyslexia. There are actually 10 Unusual Symptoms of Dyslexia and you can find them in a new checklist. To get the checklist http://bit.ly/10DyslexiaSymptoms 

  • How To Help Your Dyslexic Child With Social Issues

    03/08/2017 Duração: 02min

    http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/find-your-child-like-minded-kidsChildren with dyslexia can often be more introverted.  Sometimes they may have difficulty making friends.  In this video we answer a Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Mom's question, "How to help your dyslexic child with social issues."We developed a worksheet to help you help your child with social issues.  To help your child, grab this worksheet. http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/find-your-child-like-minded-kids

  • How To Get Your Child To Read On Summer Vacation

    31/07/2017 Duração: 01min

    Four Steps To Help Your Struggling Reader This SummerWith summer here, your children are  busy having fun, going to camp, traveling and enjoying the great weather.  Yet it is important for dyslexic children to also include some reading and learning.  So how can you include some learning and reading in with the summer fun?  In this episode I give you some quick tips to make sure that your child doesn't fall behind this summer and still has time for fun.  Looking for some more help for your struggling reader this summer.  Download our free video series:Four Steps To Help Your Struggling Reader This Summer

  • What Can A Parent Do To Help Her Dyslexic Children?

    27/07/2017 Duração: 04min

     Three Big Mistakes To Avoid When Your Child Is Struggling In SchoolWhen your child is struggling in school, you can feel so helpless, like there is nothing that you can do.  You may feel that it's all up to the school to help.  Yet you would be surprised how much you can do.  In this episode we discuss some simple strategies you can adopt that will help your child immensely:1. Advocate For Your Child - Stay in contact with the school.  Form a collaborative relationship with your child's teacher.  Ensure that the school is following your child's IEP or 504 plan2. Remember the Power Of Words - Use uplifting words when you speak to your child.  Point out her strengths and help her develop these3. Fix Energy Leaks - Work on those little areas where your child gets stressed and tired, like organization, to make her life easier.Don't know where to turn next?  Check out our free video series:Three Big Mistakes To Avoid When Your Child Is Struggling In School 

  • Guest Elisheva Schwartz From The Dyslexia Quest - Dyslexia and Self-Esteem

    25/07/2017 Duração: 26min

    In this episode we interview Elisheva Schwartz from The Dyslexia Quest.  Elisheva is a dyslexia researcher, mother, wife , intelligence re- define -er and podcast host. She’s on a mission to decode the dyslexic mind, and empower the dyslexic community to fully understand both the strengths and the difficulties of the processing style.In the episode we discuss:1. Dyslexia and Self-Esteem - how parents can help maintain their child's self-esteem2. The Power of Words - how the words parents use can either uplift or bring down their children3. A Free Webclass that Elisheva is having - “How To Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem, Even If The School Is Tearing It Down”.More about ElishevaThese days Elisheva travels the world to talk about learning differences, dyslexia, and self esteem, has a podcast ranked number 29 on the iTunes category in Education, and a thriving online business ( as well as two adorable children and a husband), but life was not always this full of ease. By third grade Elisheva was being kicked out

  • Mixing Some Learning Into Your Child's Summer Fun

    20/07/2017 Duração: 04min

    Summer Help For Dyslexic ChildrenIt's summer and everyone is enjoying the weather and the outdoor activities.  For kids with dyslexia, and those who may have struggled in school, summer is also a time to catch up with reading, improve math skills, and work on spelling.  But how can you get your child to do this when there is so many fun activities to do?In this episode, we discuss a way of weaving the learning into summer bun.  We also address one person's concern that incorporating learning into summer would be dreadful.  The point of course is to keep learning fun and preserve your child's natural curiosity and love of learning.Want som more help with your dyslexic child this summer?  Download our free video series:Summer Help For Dyslexic Childrenhttp://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/3-steps-to-help-your-child-this-summer

  • Can You Turn To Your Pediatrician To Help Your Dyslexic Child?

    20/07/2017 Duração: 05min

    Five Steps To Help Your Dyslexic ChildHave you ever wondered where you can turn to help your dyslexic child?  One place we often recommend is your pediatrician.  Your pediatrician is an expert in child devleopment and most have experience helping you navigate the school systemBut are all pediatricians experts on dyslexia?As I relate in this episode, we pediatricians get some training in school and learning issues such as dyslexia, but given the immense amount of knowledge we have to gain during our training, there isn't the time to learn everything about dyslexia.  In this episode I give you 4 questions to ask your pediatrician to determine if he or she can help your child.  Also, as I mention, if you find that your pediatrician just does not have the resources, you are always welcome to book a Skype call with me:Book your Skype call with Dr. Curtiss here.

  • 3rd step When Youre Frustrated With Your Dyslexic Childs Progress - One Step At A Time

    17/07/2017 Duração: 04min

    Summer Help For Struggling StudentsThis is the final episode in our series 3 Steps When Youre Frustrated With Your Dyslexic Childs Progress. It may seem like simple advice, to take things 1 step at a time, but when you're overwhelmed and don't know where to turn, just focusing on your next step can help you keep your sanity.Looking for some help for your child this summer?  Check out our free video series:Summer Help For Struggling Students

  • 2nd Step When Youre Frustrated With Your Dyslexic Childs Progress - Change Your Focus

    10/07/2017 Duração: 03min

    Summer Help For Struggling StudentsThis is the 2nd episode in our series 3 Steps When You're Frustrated With Your Child's Progress At School.  In this episode we talk about how changing your focuse can do so much to help your child's outlook.Looking for some help for your child this summer?  Check out our free video series:Summer Help For Struggling Students 

  • Are you a Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Mom (or Dad)?

    05/07/2017 Duração: 03min

    Five Steps To Take When Your Child Is Struggling In SchoolIf you follow us on social media, you have probably noticed recent episodes of the Dysleixic AND UN-Stoppable Daily Dose of Soul Food, discussing, "You know you're a Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Mom?"  But what is a Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Mom (or Dad)?  Is it someone who never makes mistakes with her child?  Is it someone who always knows the answers to every challenge?  Is it a mom who can easily handle every curveball her child's learning difficulties present?As I mention in this episode, the answer is "of course, not."  Just as we always say about dyslexic children, succeeding with dyslexia doesn't mean you get over it and ndever hae any other challenges.  It means that you have the inner strength to overcome the challenges and connect with your inner power.The same for Dyselxic AND UN-Stoppable Parents.  We're not perfect parents who never make any mistakes.  We're parents who believe in our kids and are willing to do whatever it takes to help them

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