
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 20:13:03
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Indiana Resource Center for Families with Special Needs


  • En Vivo con IN*SOURCE 10.01.2024

    01/10/2024 Duração: 36min

    ¿Que pueden hacer ustedes los padres sobre un reto como el bullying? Acompáñame a un nuevo taller totalmente en español. Aprendamos los tipos de bullying, y que hacer al respecto.

  • IDOE & IN*SOURCE Office Hours - 04.23.2024

    01/05/2024 Duração: 36min

    Office Hours for IDOE's Office of Special Education and IN*SOURCE - Each session will feature an informative presentation and then the speakers will respond to questions from the participants.

  • A Conversation about Educational Stability for Youth in Foster Care

    19/05/2021 Duração: 01h03min

    This is an informal Q & A session designed to help you get answers you need to best support our DCS involved youth.  Presented by Melaina Gant, Director, Education Services and ESSA Point of Contact for the Department of Child Services (DCS).   In preparation for this presentation, participants are strongly encouraged to view the presentation, "Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) & Supporting Foster Youth as Students"   This presentation may be found on Moodle.  Moodle link to the course is copied below.  If you don't have an account, you can create one for free:

  • Communicating with Schools: Collaborative Strategies for Positive Outcomes

    23/11/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    A major intent of federal and state law in special education is to encourage positive working relationships between parents and schools. The use of effective communication techniques can enhance collaborative relationships and minimize conflict.  This presentation will address building positive relationships between parents and schools, verbal and nonverbal communication, types of communicators and strategies for building communication skills. 

  • Talking with Children About Race and Bias

    03/11/2020 Duração: 01min

    In today's social climate, conversations about race seem inevitable.  Parents are challenged with deciding when and how to have these conversations.  Some parents may wonder, is there an age too young to talk about race?  Silence about race can reinforce racism by allowing children to draw their own conclusions. These conclusions are shaped by society and can lead to implicit bias.  Come learn strategies on identifying and minimizing implicit bias and leave equipped with tools to guide your discussion with children about race.   Presented by:  Redgina Hill, PhD   Founder & CEO   Redgina Hill Consulting, LLC   Resources described  during the presentation: Anderson Cooper Kid's Talk on Race What Kind of Asian Are You? - Microaggression video Children's Books

  • Advocating and Addressing Assistive Technology in the IEP

    22/07/2020 Duração: 40min

    The Presentation will begin with an overview of Article 7 and how we are legally bound to address AT for each student uniquely and annually. Next, the IIEP system will be examined, with specific attention to the exact places where AT is required to be addressed and concrete examples shared. Then, accommodations within the IEP will be focused on, giving special interest to the accommodations that directly address AT and are also a part of the statewide assessment accommodations. The session will end with planning for successful implementation of AT supports the Top 5-10 common pitfalls to avoid when addressing AT and testing and conclude with Q&A with the IDOE Assessment Accessibility Specialist.

  • The Role of the Individualized Health Plan in Supporting Students

    22/07/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    This webinar is intended to understand what an Individualized Health Plan is, how to develop, who should be involved and how it can support a student in the school environment.

  • Every Student Succeeds Act and Foster Youth as Students

    19/05/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    The Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed by then President Obama in 2015, includes significant protections and supports for foster youth, who are an extremely vulnerable and underperforming population of students.  Leaning heavily on the mandates outlined within ESSA, Indiana has established a highly collaborative process between child welfare and education state-level agencies, and the local schools/corporations to help identify and provide increased stability for foster youth.  Individuals participating in this webinar can expect the following: Learn about the specific requirements of ESSA as they relate to foster youth. Learn who the state points of contact are for foster youth at the Department of Child Services and the Indiana Department of Education, and have access to their contact information. Learn about requirements for local foster care points of contact within each school/corporation. Learn about collaborative process for determining educational best interest placement for foster youth.

  • Advocating for the Foster Child with Special Needs

    08/05/2020 Duração: 01h38min

    This training is for foster parents, case managers, CASAs, judges, teachers, and others who work with foster children. It provides information about risk factors for foster children with disabilities, the special education process and how to advocate for foster children.

  • An Interview with Betsy Fouts, Director of the BUILD Program at University of Indianapolis

    24/04/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    The Build Program was established in 1990 as a full support program to help students with any learning-related disabilities.   UIndy's caring, dedicated professors, low student-to-faculty ratio and small class sizes provide personal attention to Build students in a nurturing environment.

  • Understanding the Importance of Inclusion in Education

    09/04/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    Inclusion in special education is the education of all students, regardless of ability, in the general education setting. Students with special needs may require special aids and services in order to be served in the general education setting. Research supports better outcomes for all students when children of all abilities are included. This training dispels myths, discusses research, and cites federal laws that support the inclusive education of children with special needs. Parents will learn how to use the principles of federal law (IDEA) to talk to their school team about inclusion.

  • Cómo Prepararse Para Su Conferencia Del Caso De La Educación Especial

    05/04/2020 Duração: 01h12min

    Las conferencias de casos pueden ser confusas y estresantes para los padres. Esta sesión ayuda a los padres a identificar temas de preocupación, organizar documentos, preparar información y comunicarse de manera efectiva durante la conferencia del caso. Esta clase ayudará a los padres a convertirse en el mejor defensor de sus hijos y a construir relaciones positivas con el personal de la escuela.

  • Preparing for Your Child's Special Education Case Conference

    04/04/2020 Duração: 01h24min

    Case conferences can be confusing and stressful for parents. This session helps parents identify issues of concern, organize documents, prepare information, and communicate effectively during the case conference. This class will help parents become their child's best advocate and build positive relationships with school personnel

  • IN*SOURCE: A Parent Center & the Parent Support Volunteer Program

    04/04/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    A Parent Training and Information Center (or PTI) is a terrific information resource for parents of children with disabilities. Every state has at least one PTI. In Indiana, the PTI is the Indiana Resource Center for Families with Special Needs or IN*SOURCE. This webinar will provide information about IN*SOURCE and the services we provide to parents and families of children with special education needs and to professionals in the disability community.  The second part of our webinar will focus on our parent support volunteer program, what it is, and how you can join other parents who support our efforts of helping families throughout the state. 

  • The Individualized Education Program

    04/04/2020 Duração: 01h30min

    An individualized education program (IEP) is a written document, developed by the case conference committee, that describes how a student will access the general education curriculum and the special education and related services needed to participate in the educational environment. This presentation will provide an overview of the components of the IEP and emphasizes parent involvement in the development of the IEP for their child.

  • Improving Post Secondary Outcomes Using Transition Portfolios

    04/04/2020 Duração: 28min

    Participants will learn about the new requirement for all students with an IEP beginning with the class of 2023 to have a transition portfolio. Information will be provided about the format, expectations, and desired outcomes for transition portfolios. Participants will be able to understand how portfolios will be developed, what a portfolio will look like for different individuals, and how the portfolio will be a part of the transition planning process.   Guest Speaker Michelle Oja is an Education Specialist for the Indiana Department of Education within the Office of Special Education. She is the Education Specialist overseeing transition planning (Indicator 13), pre-employment services, graduation pathways, Career and Technical Education, and Choice Schools. She graduated from Nazareth College of Rochester with her bachelor’s degree in English and Inclusive Education and her master’s degree in Adolescent Education. Michelle recently moved from Virginia to Indiana. Before coming to the IDOE, she was a spec

  • The Case for Presuming Competence in Students with Disabilities

    30/03/2020 Duração: 01h19min

    Ashley Quick, A Project SUCCESS team member and former special education teacher, makes the case for presuming competence in every student, regardless of the presence of a disability. The assumptions we make about students’ abilities impact the quality of outcomes achieved throughout those students’ lives.

  • Skills for Effective Parent Advocacy

    17/03/2020 Duração: 01h25min

    This training is designed to help parents feel more comfortable in the role of advocating for their child at school. Participants will learn what advocacy means, how to improve their advocacy skills, learn to use six skills for effective advocacy, and learn the importance of being organized and using clear and effective communication.

  • Educación Especial 101

    12/03/2020 Duração: 54min

    Esta sesión proporciona una descripción breve del proceso de educación especial, con énfasis en el papel del padre en el proceso, las opciones de resolución de conflictos para los padres, y la importancia de la construcción de relaciones buenas entre los padres y la escuela. 

  • Helping Children with Behavioral Issues

    12/03/2020 Duração: 27min

    In this podcast I speak with Heather Meyer, LMHC and certified Nurtured Heart Approach trainer about children with difficult behaviors, behavior plans, and how the nurtured heart approach can help these very special children by using a very straight forward and common sense approach.

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