Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) - By Raymond Mccullough

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 15:43:44
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Satellite radio series based on The Whore and her Mother9/11, Babylon and the Return of the Kingby Raymond McCulloughDo the writings of the Hebrew prophets have anything to teach us about events happening in the world right now?What is the mega-city/nation referred to as 'Mega-Babylon', in the Hebrew prophesies of the Tanach (Old Testament) and Book of Revelation?Can we identify this city/state today?Why should we rely on the word of these ancient Hebrew prophets, anyway?The Hebrew prophets - from Isaiah and Jeremiah, to the apostle John, spoke of a city and nation they referred to by the codename, 'Mega-Babylon'. Have these prophecies been fulfilled already? What about Daniel's 'writing on the wall'? Is Mega-Babylon the Roman Catholic Church? A world super-church? Rebuilt ancient Babylon? Brussels? Jerusalem? Or somewhere entirely different? Should this city/nation have a large Jewish population? Why all the talk about merchants, cargoes, commodities, trade?Can we rely on the words of these ancient prophets? If so, what else did they foretell that is still to be fulfilled? Do they refer to other major nations - USA, Russia, China, Europe? What about militant Islam?My background is in lecturing, publishing and radio/TV - but previously I ran a construction business. I still love to know how things are put together - buildings, origins of words, phrases - so I have used a similar approach in exploring, what I believe to be, an extremely important and relevant topic.Written and produced by Raymond McCullough: Precious Oil Productions Ltd, for Kingdom Come Trust


  • Fresh Bread 3: Your Kingdom Come 32 (OWR 6 – At any moment?)

    07/02/2020 Duração: 29min

    Fourth in the new series (3) of Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (OWR 6)   – based on the book, Oh What Rapture by Raymond McCullough   Raymond reads:   Chapter 6 – At any moment?     with music from:   Kaedmon (California, USA) 'My Love' (My Love)   King Boru (Northern Ireland, UK) 'Oro Sé do bheatha abhaile (Oh Welcome Home)' (Anam Cara)   Donna Hughes (Florida, USA) 'God Don't Make Mistakes' (From the Heart)   Low Country Boys (Northern Ireland, UK) 'Scotland' (Gran Time Comin)   Heidi Jane (California, USA) 'Lullaby’ (A Thousand Reasons Why)     Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 3: Your Kingdom Come 31 (OWR 5 – Wrath, or persecution?)

    22/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Third in the new series (3) of Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (OWR 5)   – based on the book, Oh What Rapture by Raymond McCullough   Raymond reads:   Chapter 5 – Wrath, or persecution?     with music from:   W. Ed Harris (Arizona, USA) 'Tiarna Mhuigheo' (Turas Ceilteach)   Raggle Taggle (California, USA) 'The Quest' (Dublin Fusion)   Liz Fitzgibbon (Cork, Ireland) 'You are My High Tower' (Yeshua's Call)   Sarah Burnell (Ottawa, Canada) 'Galician Excerpt’ (Return Ticket)     Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 3: Your Kingdom Come 30 (OWR 2 – The Resurrection, 3 – Origin, 4 – No secret)

    08/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Second in the new series (3) of Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (OWR 234) – based on the book, Oh What Rapture by Raymond McCullough   Raymond reads:   Chapter 2 – The Resurrection   Chapter 3 – Origin of Secret Rapture   Chapter 4 – Surprise, but no secret   with music from:   King Boru (Northern Ireland, UK) 'The Lord is Good in All His Ways' (Anam Cara)   Low Country Boys (Northern Ireland, UK) ‘Nashville Skyline’ (Gran Time Comin)   Sarana VerLin (Michigan, USA) 'Kyrie' (Bats & Buttterflies)   Be'ersheva (Tübingen, Germany) 'Intro' (Yeshua's Call)   Eden Burning (England, UK) ‘The Reel of Pickering Pick’ (Smilingly Home)     Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 3: Your Kingdom Come 29 (OWR 1 – Caught Up)

    01/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Beginning a new series of Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (OWR1) – based on the book, Oh What Rapture by Raymond McCullough   Raymond reads the 'Introduction' and 'Chapter 1 – Caught Up'   with music from:   Didgericruise (Arizona, USA) 'St. Anne's Reel' (Didgericruise)   Fret Not (California, USA) ‘All My Tears’ (Hundredfold)   Contea (Sardinia, Italy) 'Lament for Owen Rua O'Neill' (Il Campo dei Ribelli)   Miles & Gillian McKee, (Dublin, Ireland) ‘Behold His Throne (My Lagan Love)’ (Safe At Last)   Dark Patrick (Ukraine) 'Morfa'r Frenhines' (Fainne Gael an Lae)     Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 28 (WHM 21) – What do we do now?

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode 28, the final episode of this series: If you live in the United States of America, do not disregard the warnings we have emphasised here.  Start making some plans – firstly, by seeking God in prayer for His guidance.  I can’t tell you what to do, specifically, but He can. Pray for restrictions on entry to Israel to be lifted, for “Judah no longer to harass Ephraim.” Start living in the light of these prophecies.  If this book does not cause you to seriously re-evaluate your lifestyle and focus then, for you, at any rate, it has failed.  If you do not claim to have any personal relationship with Yeshua of Nazareth, take seriously his claim to be the Messiah.  Ask the God of Abraham, the Creator, to reveal the truth to you.  If you do so in sincerity, He WILL answer you. Make a list of those people you know, who need a personal relationship with God, through Yeshua, and begin to pray for them.  Ask God to highlight three of these to become your

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 27 (WHM 20) – The church must change!

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode 27 in the series: Paul, in Colossians 1 and Ephesians 5,  and Peter, in 2 Peter 3, state that the church will be presented to the Messiah 'pure and spotless, without blemish or wrinkle'  – which is not an accurate description of the church at present! The church has a very poor reputation among the Jews.  We need to seek God for His love for Israel to be released in us – it does NOT come naturally.  We are meant to provoke the Jews to jealousy by how we live, which is not likely if we are still steeped in paganism and pagan celebrations.  We need to search the scriptures and get back to our biblical Hebrew roots.  It is US who have been grafted in to Israel, NOT the other way around. If we are not willing to buckle down to this, I believe the Lord, in His graciousness, will allow us to experience persecution to accomplish it – 'everyone who wants to live a godly life in the Messiah Yeshua WILL be persecuted.' -------------------- with music from: Clandes

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 26 (WHM 19) – The greatest prophet of all

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode 26 in the series: Yeshua fulfilled all the prophetic requirements of the Messiah, the Anointed One – coming from the tribe of Judah (through his mother, Miriam), at the appointed time, preceded by John the Baptist, etc. John witnessed the Holy Spirit descending upon Yeshua and remaining upon him – the sign to John that this was the One. He declared himself to be “greater than Solomon,” “greater than Jonah” – in fact, to be the Son of God! He could not have been deceived, or a deceiver, and still be a ‘good man’ or a prophet.  He was and is who he said he was. He foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, but also that the Jewish nation would NOT be destroyed. He promised that he would return to receive his own and the angel at his ascension promised that Yeshua would return to the Mount of Olives, just as he left it.  When Zechariah describes this he refers to YHWH himself descending to the Mount – confirming that Yeshua is God! He warn

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 25 (WHM 18) – Time for a timeline

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode 25 in the series: The good news of the kingdom will be preached to every tribe, language, people and nation.  The Middle East will explode into war once again. The Arabs and other Muslim nations will attack Israel, but will be wiped out. They will become like chaff, dust and tumbleweed before a gale! More of the ten tribe nations will make aliyah to Israel – the trickle becoming a flood, a 2nd Exodus! Israel will gain the territory of their enemies, but also the enmity of the world, including the USA.  Anti-semitism and opposition towards aliyah to Israel will greatly increase in the USA.  Jews may have to go underground to escape America!  America will be destroyed by fire in one hour!  Survivors will return to their own lands, the Jews and Israelites to newly expanded Israel.  The ‘heart of stone’ will be removed from Israel and they will recognise their Messiah.  The man known as the ‘beast’ will be revealed and be given power by

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 24 (WHM 17) – The 1,000 year reign of Messiah

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode 24 in the series: The 1,000 years will begin when the Messiah’s foot touches the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Before he arrives, he will gather all of his people, dead and still alive (the first resurrection), from the four corners of the earth.  We will all be changed “in the twinkling of an eye” into immortal bodies, and we will accompany him as he arrives. The Messiah will go to war and totally wipe out all those armies (millions of men, from all of the nations), who have assembled against him. He will present his bride (his followers, the 'body of Messiah') to himself, “pure and spotless, without wrinkle or blemish” and celebrate a great “wedding feast of the Lamb” with his people. He will host an award ceremony, the 'judgement seat of Christ,' where the faithful will be rewarded for what they have done.  Some will be made rulers over several cities, some over a few – depending on what 'treasure in heaven' they stored up while on earth. He

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 23 (WHM 16) – The heart of stone removed

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode 23 in the series: Already there are around 3-400,000 Jewish people who recognise Yeshua as their Lord and Messiah. Many of those who regard themselves as Israelite (of the ten tribes) also have this conviction – though many of them are presently Moslem. The LORD promised a day would come when he would remove the “heart of stone” and give the people of Israel a heart of flesh, putting His Spirit within them. Zechariah 12 also speaks of this great change of heart – “they will look on Me, the one they have pierced … and mourn and grieve bitterly.”  Perhaps the revelation, at the right time, of blood from the cross falling upon the Mercy Seat in the Ark of the Covenant, could be a significant catalyst? Israel’s “hardening in part” only lasts “until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and then all Israel will be saved.”  So, perhaps this will happen after the fall of Babylon (times of the Gentiles fulfilled), which

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 22 (WHM 15) – The Return of the King

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode twenty two in the series: After his resurrection, as Yeshua ascended into the clouds from the Mount of Olives, the angels promised the disciples that he would return in just the same way.  Daniel says he will come with the clouds of heaven and all nations will worship him.  His kingdom will last forever.   Zechariah describes His feet touching the Mount of Olives, instigating a tremendous earthquake which will split the mountain in two, east-west.  A river will flow out of the city in two different directions: east to the Dead Sea and west to the Mediterranean Sea.  According to The Revelation, this earthquake will have repercussions around the whole earth, causing the cities of the nations to collapse! The Messiah will appear accompanied by his armies, including the righteous from all over the earth and those who have died, now resurrected.  He will go to battle against the Anti-Christ beast and all the rulers and armies of the earth – destroying them with “t

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 21 (WHM 14) – The mother of all battles

    04/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Episode twenty one in the series: A place called Armageddon: Actually, Har Megiddo, an ancient hill fortress in northern Israel, close to the junction of the two major north-south trade routes and a suitable gathering place for armies coming from the north to attack Jerusalem. God’s wrath will be poured out upon the nations ruled by the Anti-Christ in the form of many plagues – stirring them to an angry response against Israel. “Demonic spirits that perform signs, [will] go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.” The “kings of the east” will field an army of 200 million men, armed with powerful weapons. They “will advance against ... Israel like a cloud that covers the land.” --------------------   With music from: Kenneth & Angus MacKenzie (Nova Scotia, Canada) – 'Skylark's', (Piob Is Fidheall);   Keys2Eden (Ohio, USA) – 'Freedom', (Trials);   Janet Bates (Oregon, USA)

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 20 (WHM 13b) – The Great Tribulation (continued)

    11/04/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode twenty in the series: In the middle of the last seven years the beast, Anti-Christ, will put a stop to the temple sacrifices. After subduing three of the ten rulers who gave him his power he will oppress the saints and change the set times and laws. His army will tramp on the holy city (Jerusalem) for 42 months. The beast will exercise his authority to blaspheme God and to make war against the saints. “There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations,” for “time, times and half a time.” There will be a ‘rapture’ event, being “caught up into the clouds”, but it will NOT be a secret – far from it!  The whole earth – “every eye” – will witness it! Our being ‘caught up’ will take place at the last trumpet, AFTER the conclusion of the 1,260 days of the Great Tribulation! --------------------   With music from: Coole Park (Ontario, Canada) – 'Old Hag, You Have Kill

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 19 (WHM 13a) – The Great Tribulation

    21/03/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode nineteen in the series: In the middle of the last seven years the beast, Anti-Christ, will put a stop to the temple sacrifices. After subduing three of the ten rulers who gave him his power he will oppress the saints and change the set times and laws. His army will tramp on the holy city (Jerusalem) for 42 months. Two prophets, clothed in sackcloth, will prophesy with great authority in Jerusalem for 1,260 days. Many of the Jewish people will be able to flee into the desert, to a place prepared by God for them. The beast will exercise his authority to blaspheme God and to make war against the saints. “There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations,” for “time, times and half a time.” All refer to the same time period! --------------------   With music from:  Nellie Quinn (British Columbia, Canada) – 'Birthday Wishes/Bumps', (  From past to present );   Not About Us (Florida, USA) – 'Have Mercy',

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 18 (WHM 12) – The mark of the beast

    20/03/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode eighteen in the series: The ‘beast’, or Anti-Christ, will cause everyone under his rule to receive a mark. The wrath of God will be poured out upon all those who receive this mark. Playing around with numbers really produces no definite result. The Hebrew scriptures only record that number on three occasions. He and his empire will come to an abrupt end when the Messiah returns! --------------------   With music from:  Dawn and Margie Beaton (Nova Scotia, Canada) – 'Saved by the Milkman', ( Taste of Gaelic );   Jennifer Haycraft (Missouri, USA) – 'Beautiful Savior', (Faithful);   Dark Patrick (Ukraine/UK) – 'Lachin Y Gair', (Fainne Gael An Lae).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 17 (WHM 11b) – The man is revealed (continued)

    15/03/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode seventeen in the series: Revelation 14: an end-times summary? The ‘times of the Gentiles’. Daniel’s ‘Seventy Weeks’. Will the Jewish temple be rebuilt? He will rule for only a short time. --------------------   With music from:  Folk Arts Quartet (Massachussetts, USA) – 'Le Reel du Pendu/Chinquapin Hunting', (Folk Arts Quartet);   Calaveras (California, USA) – 'Ready to Fly', ( Ready to Fly );   Julie Jacobs (Minnesota, USA) – 'You Are Worthy to Take the Scroll', (Revelation 4 & 5).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 16 (WHM 11a) – The man is revealed

    05/03/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode sixteen in the series: America devastated!  The survivors give up and leave (refugees). Worldwide economic collapse, Stock Markets fail – and a political vacuum. Surviving 'sons of Judah' and 'sons of Israel' seek to make their way to Zion. 'The Man for the time' is already in waiting – having plotted and carried out the destruction of USA, with the authority of ten powerful nations behind him, necessarily in secret – but now he can be revealed. Why the Messiah can NOT come ‘at any moment.’ Who, or what, ‘hinders’ this Man from being revealed? --------------------   With music from:  Kickin Grass Band (North Carolina, USA) – 'Cloverleaf', (On The Short Rows);   Robin Mark (Belfast, Northern Ireland) – 'Lion of Judah', (Room for Grace);   Fire on McGinnis (Alaska, USA) – 'Seaforth Lullaby', ( Fire on McGinnis ).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 15 (WHM 10) – NEWSFLASH - America is gone!

    23/02/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode fifteen in the series: NEWSFLASH around the world!  An all-out nuclear strike on America? The debt is called in.  Who will initiate this attack? Where will it come from? Star Wars and HAARP of no avail! Will the President and top government and military personnel be drunk when it happens? --------------------   With music from:  Searson (Ontario, Canada) – 'E&C', (Live);   Low Country Boys (Co. Down, Northern Ireland) – 'Sweet Rivers', (  Plain an Simple );   Máire Brennan (Co. Dublin, Ireland) – 'Heal This Land', ( Perfect Time).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 14 (WHM 09) – The ten-horned beast

    16/02/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode fourteen in the series: The seventh and final incarnation of the historic ‘Empire spirit.’ A union of ten powerful nations – or is it eleven? A revived Roman Empire in Europe, or something else? The conglomerate that will ultimately turn on and destroy Babylon. --------------------   With music from:  Raggle Taggle (California, USA) – 'Tamlin's Reel', (Dublin Fusion);   Rebekah Faith (Florida, USA) – 'No More Chains', ( Not Alone );   Wendy Stewart (New Brunswick, Canada) – 'The Kennebecasis River Lament', (Catch the Air).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

  • Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 13 (WHM 08b) – The 6-hour war (continued)

    31/01/2012 Duração: 29min

    Episode thirteen in the series: It doesn't really require any prophetic anointing to predict conflict in the Middle East, but what exactly DO the Hebrew prophets tell us to expect?  At the moment the Middle East is one of the most rapidly-changing, volatile and unpredictable areas of our world today.  Is it possible to be prepared for events soon to come to pass? Nuclear missile attack? Greater Israel? --------------------   With music from:  Low Country Boys (Co. Down, Northern Ireland) – 'Tumblin Jack (instrumental)', (Plain and Simple);   Máire Brennan (Co. Dublin, Ireland) – 'Song Of David (Psalm 67)', (Perfect Time);   Iona with The All Souls Orchestra (UK and Co. Derry, Northern Ireland) – 'Murlough Bay', ( Woven Cord ).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust

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