Gemba Academy Podcast: Lean Manufacturing | Lean Office | Six Sigma | Toyota Kata | Productivity | Leadership

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 92:38:12
  • Mais informações



Improvement Learning, Improved.


  • GA 405 | Elevating Constraints with Max Krug and Pavel Kuviarzin

    06/01/2022 Duração: 37min

    This week's guests are Max Krug and Pavel Kuviarzin. Max and Pavel gave us their take on the relationship between lean, processes, and The Theory of Constraints. They also touched on the dangers of falling too far into one particular CI "camp." An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Max and Pavel (3:28) Max's background (3:59) Pavel's background (5:14) What TOC is all about (8:17) An example of using TOC (10:38) Using Gantt charts (13:54) Why the final editing is the constraint (21:57) About "drum buffer rope" (24:23) How they identify the root cause (27:52) The dangers of CI "camps" (31:01) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Pavel on LinkedIn Max on LinkedIn Future State Engineering The Goal What Do You Think? What has your experience been with TOC?

  • GA 404 | Leading in a VUCA Environment with James Newell

    30/12/2021 Duração: 36min

    This week's guest is James Newell. Ron and James talked all about what VUCA means, how James introduced his team to lean, and more. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quotes that inspire James (2:12) James' background (3:30) What VUCA stands for (5:58) Practicing lean in a volatile setting (6:40) The two kinds of leadership (18:20) Why the environment was VUCA (18:51) How extreme interviewing works (21:10) Handling work counsels (24:10) Learning the practical parts of lean (26:35) How it's been going since James left (31:21) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 James on LinkedIn GA 322 | Tailoring the Kata Model with James Newell GA 224 | How to Apply Lean in Different Countries with James Newell What Do You Think? Have you ever been in a VUCA environment? Describe your experience.

  • GA 403 | Moving the Needle with Robb Holman

    23/12/2021 Duração: 33min

    This week's guest is Robb Holman. Ron and Robb talked about Robb's most recent book, Move the Needle. Robb also shared some of the most powerful stories we've had on the podcast to date. Don't skip this one. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Robb (2:36) Robb's background (3:46) About "Inside Out Leadership" (6:30) How to bring out the best in someone (7:37) A profound story that changed Robb's life (12:13) The reason Robb starts with people (16:53) The importance of first impressions (19:23) Efficiency through effectiveness (22:28) Leaving a legacy (25:43) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 GA 305 | Building Trust and Leveraging Conflict with Robb Holman Robb on LinkedIn Robb's Website Move the Needle on Amazon Move the Needle Website What Do You Think? Which of Robb's stories moved you the most? Why?

  • GA 402 | Leading From the Jumpseat with Peter Docker

    16/12/2021 Duração: 37min

    This week's guest is Peter Docker. Speaker, author, and former member of the Royal Air Force, Peter had a lot of very powerful leadership advice to share. He and Ron also specifically discussed Peter's book, Leading From the Jumpseat. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Peter (2:40) Peter's background (3:25) His most intense moments in the military (5:38) About his book, Leading From the Jumpseat (13:20) What happens if the jumpseat pilot makes mistakes (18:20) The third theme of belonging (26:45) The story of Apollo 13 (30:32) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Leading From the Jumpseat on Amazon Peter's Website Peter on LinkedIn Peter on Twitter What Do You Think? How, as a leader, have you relinquished control? Share an example.

  • GA 401 | Continuous Improvement and the Future of Industry 4.0 with Juan Gomez

    09/12/2021 Duração: 32min

    This week's guest is Juan Gomez. Juan has an impressive continuous improvement background and a real passion for Industry 4.0. He and Ron talked about the history of industrialization, how we'll adapt moving forwards, and more. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  Juan's favorite quote (2:56) Juan's background (6:24) About the history of industrialization (8:27) What Industry 4.0 is (10:40) Ron's concerns with Industry 4.0 (12:39) How Juan sees things playing out (16:45) Why and how we will adjust to new technology (18:12) How it'll affect unemployment (20:58) How this will affect continuous improvement (22:35) Advice for those interested in Industry 4.0 (28:14) About the Digital CI Workshop (30:15) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Juan on LinkedIn The Digital CI Workshop (use promo code "Gemba" for 25% off) What Do You Think? What are your thoughts on Industry 4.0? Are you apprehensi

  • GA 400 | The Gemba Academy Journey with Ron Pereira, Kevin Meyer, and Jon Miller

    02/12/2021 Duração: 46min

    This week we're celebrating our 400th episode with some very special guests, the Gemba Academy Co-Founders. Joined by Jennifer, one of our Business Development Managers,  Ron, Jon, and Kevin reflect on our journey as a company thus far. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  How Kevin got started with lean (2:59) How Jon got started with lean (4:19) How Ron got started with lean (6:10) Why they started Gemba Academy (9:21) About the culture at Gemba Academy (14:10) The role of autonomy (15:08) How Jon grows as a leader (19:12) How Kevin grows his team (21:15) Important attributes for leaders (25:32) The hardest part of being a leader (27:19) An invaluable lean concept (28:52) A hurdle on his lean journey Kevin has had to overcome (31:39) Some failed experiments (34:01) Ron's recommendations for getting started with lean (39:27) What's coming next at Gemba Academy (42:53) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download th

  • GA 399 | Practicing Lean Accounting with Mike De Luca and Nick Katko

    25/11/2021 Duração: 43min

    This week's guests are Mike De Luca and Nick Katko. Together with Ron they discussed the concept of lean accounting, and what its advantages are over traditional cost accounting. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  Mike's favorite quote (4:16) Their backgrounds (4:48) Why lean accounting is important (6:23) Why it's better than traditional cost accounting (8:47) What to do if the customer is wrong (13:24) Using traditional cost accounting versus lean accounting in healthcare (15:40) Leading and lagging indicators (24:13) About their book (26:03) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Practicing Lean Accounting on Amazon BMA BMA Books BMA on YouTube LEI Lean Accounting Newsletter Mike on LinkedIn Nick on LinkedIn What Do You Think? Have you had any experience with lean accounting?

  • GA 398 | Lean Storytelling Part Two with Adam Lawrence

    18/11/2021 Duração: 39min

    This week's guest is Adam Lawrence. Adam is back this week to tell a few more inspiring lean stories we didn't get to last time. Be sure to check out Episode 393 for Part One! An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  A quote Adam likes (2:56) The first story (7:19) The importance of communication (14:18) The second story (16:38) What this says about how people think (23:24) The third story (26:08) Adam's final words of wisdom (35:16) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 GA 393 | Lean Storytelling with Adam Lawrence The Wheel of Sustainability Adam on LinkedIn Adam's Website Adam on YouTube Adam on Calendly Adam's Google Business Page What Do You Think? Which of Adam's stories resonated with you the most? Why?

  • GA 397 | Lean Leadership, Respect for People, and the Military with Michael Austin Giles

    11/11/2021 Duração: 33min

    This week's guest is Michael "Austin" Giles. Austin explained what it's like to practice continuous improvement in the military and how military leadership is similar to lean leadership. He also shared a great anecdote about making mistakes. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  Austin's favorite quote (1:47) His background (3:03) A story about the canine unit (5:47) About lean in the military (7:16) How formal or informal their approach is (16:36) The relationship between lean leadership and military leadership (20:21) Balancing toughness with Respect for People (24:12) An anecdote about learning and making mistakes (27:23) Austin's plan after the military (29:22) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Austin on LinkedIn What Do You Think? Describe a time you learned from a mistake. How did your boss/coworkers react?

  • GA 396 | The Barriers to Developing a Lean Culture with Sara Ann Todd

    04/11/2021 Duração: 31min

    This week's guest is Sara Ann Todd. Sara shared her thoughts on continuous improvement and organizational culture, specifically creating a culture of lean. She and Ron also discussed Respect for People, dealing with self-doubt, and more. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  Sara's favorite quote (2:34) Sara's background (4:13) How to develop a lean culture (6:09) Dealing with a lack of support from leadership (9:19) Some of the barriers to developing a lean culture (11:03) A setback Sara has experienced as a practitioner (12:16) Sara's approach to coaching (14:33) What Respect for People means to Sara (21:14) What to do when a team member lacks confidence (24:17) Advice for those just getting started (26:38) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Sara Ann Todd on LinkedIn What Do You Think? How do you address a lack of lean support from leadership? What can be done?

  • GA 395 | Implementing Tiered Huddles with Sarah Cook

    28/10/2021 Duração: 27min

    This week's guest is Sarah Cook. Sarah broke down the concept of tiered huddles, why they're worth doing, and how to get started. Be sure to check out our Lean Daily Management series for more on this topic. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Sarah (2:26) Sarah's background (3:17) About tiered huddles (5:19) Having multiple huddles (7:52) What you need to do tiered huddles (10:20) What boards are used (12:45) The challenges they have faced (13:36) Focusing on leading versus lagging indicators (15:56) The benefits of tiered huddles (17:11) What tips Sarah would give herself (20:59) Getting started with huddles (23:18) Sarah's final words of wisdom (25:29) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Sarah on LinkedIn Our Lean Daily Management Series What Do You Think? Do you have any experience with tiered huddles? What are the benefits? Potential drawbacks?

  • GA 394 | Practicing Kind Leadership with Karyn Ross

    21/10/2021 Duração: 54min

    This week's guest is Karyn Ross. Karyn has been on the show quite a few times and each conversation is packed full of lean insights. This time, Karyn discussed her new book, The Kind Leader, and what it means to practice kind leadership. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Karyn (3:16) Karyn's background (3:48) Karyn's new book, The Kind Leader (5:01) What kind leadership means (7:49) The difference between kindness and niceness (12:21) Behind the title (19:57) Balancing accountability with kindness (24:22) How Karyn deals with being hurt by others (31:18) What Karyn would do if an employee was stealing from her (41:47) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Karyn's Consulting Site Karyn on LinkedIn The Kind Leader on Routledge Big Karma and Little Kosmo Help Each Other Think Kindly - Speak Kindly - Act Kindly Stories From the Fox Continuous Improvement Team Th

  • GA 393 | Lean Storytelling with Adam Lawrence

    14/10/2021 Duração: 43min

    This week's guest is Adam Lawrence. We've had Adam on the show a few times before and have come to love his engaging and thought-provoking stories. This week Adam shared several different ones, each with a different message. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Adam (3:05) Adam's background (3:57) About kaizen events (5:11) Adam's first story (7:07) Adam's second story (15:34) Adam's third story (27:26) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at The Wheel of Sustainability Process Improvement Partners Adam on LinkedIn Process Improvement Partners on LinkedIn Adam on YouTube Adam's Calendly Process Improvement Partners on Google Business What Do You Think? Share a lean story of your own. What important theme or lesson does it contain?

  • GA 392 | Using Lean on a Horse Farm with John Knotts

    07/10/2021 Duração: 39min

    This week's guest is John Knotts. John is our newest Gemba Academy employee, and he shed some light on engagement and change readiness. John also owns a horse farm, and he explained how lean applies to that environment. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires John (3:29) John's background (3:55) What continuous improvement really looks like (6:20) About John's book (11:30) What engages people (13:35) Why people don't change (17:14) What John is extra proud of (24:43) Applying lean to a horse farm (26:21) The role of mentality (32:59) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at Overcoming Organizational Myopia John on LinkedIn What Do You Think? What unusual environments have you used lean in?

  • GA 391 | Discovering the Power of Toyota Kata with Ron Pereira & Friends

    30/09/2021 Duração: 23min

    This week we're sharing a few different audio clips on the power and benefits of Toyota Kata. The videos they come from will be available to view on our website without a subscription, so be sure to check them out. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  What Toyota Kata is (1:43) The two practice patterns (3:18) The five main benefits of incorporating kata (4:03) About our Toyota Kata: Practice Makes Progress course (6:46) What Learning Looks Like (9:33) Defining your challenge (13:34) Why kids succeed at the marshmallow challenge (15:51) The kata pattern and the threshold of knowledge (19:54) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at What Is Toyota Kata? - Toyota Kata Essentials Build a Tower, Build a Team Toyota Kata: Practice Makes Progress - What Learning Looks Like What Do You Think? What does learning look like to you?

  • GA 390 | Exploring and Using VAVE with Valorie Hendrix

    23/09/2021 Duração: 31min

    This week's guest is Valorie Hendrix. Valorie told us all about VAVE, what it stands for, and what its benefits are. Valorie also explained how VAVE can be applied in less traditional lean settings, not just manufacturing. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  Valorie's background (4:43) What VAVE is about (7:20) The early stages of her journey (9:29) The balance between cost and relationship (13:23) How you use VAVE (14:03) VAVE and lean (23:44) Applying VAVE in non-manufacturing environments (25:19) Tips for learning about VAVE (30:11) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at Valorie on LinkedIn Dynamic Empire Consulting  Streamlining Function & Value Streamlining Function & Value on Amazon What Do You Think? Have you used VAVE before? Describe your experience.

  • GA 389 | People Solve Problems with Jamie Flinchbaugh

    16/09/2021 Duração: 47min

    This week's guest is Jamie Flinchbaugh. Ron and Jamie discussed the contents of Jamie's upcoming book, People Solve Problems. This episode is full of incredible insights on lean, leadership, problem solving, and more. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  A quote Jamie likes (2:39) Jamie's background (3:22) Why Jamie wrote People Solve Problems (5:05) Fighting confirmation bias (7:42) The problem with problem solving (10:39) People-centered capabilities (15:52) The importance of breaking down the problem (18:41) The role of intuition (22:13) Testing to learn (25:07) Problem-solving culture (27:57) Creativity over capital (29:20) Success through coaching (32:53) Advice for those just starting out with coaching (35:08) The role of a leader (38:41) The "25 problems myth" (41:27) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at The Hitchhiker's Guide to Lea

  • GA 388 | Your Brain and a Parachute with Chandan Dey

    09/09/2021 Duração: 31min

    This week's guest is Chandan Dey. Chandan provided some valuable insight on 3P, including advice on deploying it within your organization. Chandan also explained how and why the human brain is like a parachute. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Chandan (3:14) Chandan's background (7:55) His experience with 3P (12:03) What 3P is all about (12:55) Examples of 3P implementation (14:22) Dealing with skepticism (23:03) How your brain is like a parachute (25:21) Advice for those interested in using 3P (25:55) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at Chandan on LinkedIn What Do You Think? Have you ever practiced 3P? What has your experience been like?

  • GA 386 | Navigating Your Journey to Success with Michelle Pereira

    26/08/2021 Duração: 31min

    This week's guest is Michelle Pereira. Michelle, who is Ron's sister, is a VP at Habitat for Humanity Manitoba. She and Ron discussed her journey to success and the non-profit world in general. They also discussed what Ron was like growing up! An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Michelle (3:05) Michelle's background (4:38) About Habitat for Humanity 6:39) Michelle's journey (8:59) About Michelle's coach (14:13) Michelle's advice for her younger self (15:56) What it was like growing up with Ron (19:59) The dangers of overcommitting (28:29) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at Michelle on LinkedIn Habitat for Humanity Manitoba Habitat for Humanity on YouTube Habitat for Humanity Manitoba on Instagram Habitat for Humanity Manitoba on Facebook What Do You Think? What advice has helped you find success?

  • GA 385 | Transcending the Artifacts of Lean with Robert Stone

    19/08/2021 Duração: 36min

    This week's guest is Robert Stone. Robert has worked at organizations with varying degrees of lean experience, and he shared what that's been like. Ron and Robert also discussed why you can't do lean "to" people. MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here. In this episode you'll learn:  The quote that inspires Robert (3:33) Robert's background (4:16) How Robert heard about lean (7:08) About lean and welding (9:01) How Robert learned about lean (11:58) Running kaizen events (14:41) Dealing with resistance (17:48) Implementing lean at his current company (18:38) The contrast between his former and current companies (21:25) What Robert would do differently (23:49) His thoughts on suggestion boxes (25:24) Robert's advice for frontline workers (31:36) Podcast Resources Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3 Download a Free Audio Book at Robert on LinkedIn The Kaizen Way Course What Do You Think? What does the phrase "lean artifact" mean

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